JAKARTA - The gas explosion destroyed a house in Baltimore, Maryland, United States (US) to the ground. Two people died, another was injured.

The explosion reportedly occurred around 06.42 Sunday, August 11th wdi Arthur Woods Drive in the town of Bel Air Harford County, about 32 miles north of Baltimore.

A 35-year-old contractor working in Baltimore Gas and Electric was confirmed as the person killed in the explosion. Another death toll was found in the rubble.

Reported by ABC News, Monday, August 12, 12 families have been displaced by the explosion. Photos posted by Harford County Emergency Medical Service and Fire Department in X showed firefighters extinguishing small fires and searching for remnants of houses, leaving only wood debris, insulation, and other debris.

"I've been working for 18 years and this is one of the biggest explosions I've ever seen," said Alkire.

The cause of the explosion is being investigated by the Maryland State Fire Department, Harford County Sheriff's Department, and the Federal Bureau.

Residents in the surrounding environment reported hearing loud explosions and felt their homes struggling, authorities said.

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