JAKARTA - Australia signed a deal on the exchange of nuclear material with the United States (US) and Britain.
This is important for Australia to equip its naval (AL) with nuclear-powered submarines.
The agreement is an important step towards Australia's acquisition of conventional armed nuclear-powered submarines for the Australian Royal Navy,” said Australian Minister of Defense and Deputy Prime Minister, said Richard Marles, quoted from AFP, Monday 12 August,
This collaboration binds the three countries to security arrangements for nuclear material transfer and sensitive US and UK knowledge as part of the AUKUS 2021 tripartite security agreement.
AUKUS is known to be a trilateral security pact for Australia, Britain and the UK in 2021.
In AUKUS, there is a plan to build an Australian nuclear-powered submarine fleet and jointly develop advanced combat capabilities.
This plan is seen as a strategic answer to China's military ambitions in the Pacific region.
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