PADANG - West Sumatra Police investigators (West Sumatra) examined two partner companies BPBD West Sumatra. The two companies are being investigated for suspected COVID-19 budget misappropriation in 2020.

Head of Public Relations of the West Sumatra Regional Police, Kombes Stefanus Satake Bayu, said the two companies were providers of hand sanitizers that were purchased by BPBD West Sumatra at an unreasonable price.

"We continue to collect evidence and information in uncovering this case," he said as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, March 24.

Until now, 7 people have been questioned by investigators, namely members of the West Sumatra DPRD Nofrizon, Head of Rehabilitation of West Sumatra BPBD Suryadi, Kalaksa, and Treasurer of West Sumatra BPBD.

There are three representatives of partner companies who have been summoned by the investigators at the Special Criminal Investigation Directorate (Ditreskrimsus) of the West Sumatra Regional Police.

Investigators asked for a number of documents owned by the West Sumatra BPBD related to the purchase of equipment related to the use of the COVID-19 budget.

"The collection of evidence and information continues to be carried out in this case," continued Satake Bayu.

Meanwhile, Head of Sub-Directorate for Tipidkor Polda West Sumatra Kompol Agung B. said that his party had collected a number of documents from BPBD West Sumatra and was still waiting for documents in the form of special committee minutes to follow up on the findings of LHP BPK related to the COVID-19 budget.

"We have sent the West Sumatra DPRD Secretary for the document and we are still waiting for it," he said.

In investigating cases, the police want to sort one by one starting from documents, testimony of witnesses and experts ranging from criminal experts to corruption crime experts.

"We also involve external parties and at every stage of the process we will always hold a case title," he said.

Regarding the information that the BPBD has returned the state's losses, it certainly requires proof of the return.

"If it has returned, we ask for proof of return and conduct an evaluation involving criminal experts and corruption experts. We will hold another case whether this act is sufficient or not the criminal act of corruption," said Kompol Agung B.

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