JAKARTA Anies Baswedan's chances of advancing in the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada run low after PKS and the NasDem Party stated that they would evaluate the recommendations previously given to the incumbent governor.

According to a political observer from the National University, Robi Nurhadi, it is possible that Anies failed to run for the Jakarta Pilkada is not surprising. Because, there is a difference in orientation between Anies and the parties that will carry it.

"Pak Anies sees that the interests of Jakarta residents are more important to respond to, for example in a context, for example, restoring the happiness of its citizens, moving forward. But for political parties, what is prioritized is what they get," he said, Sunday, August 11, 2024.

Robi mentioned PKS as one example. PKS is considered to prioritize its cadres to become cagub-cawagub compared to the interests of Jakarta residents. This may also happen in other political parties, including the NasDem Party and PKB.

In fact, if the political will of PKS, Nasdem, and PKB are very strong, the three political parties will not find it difficult to carry Anies because the number of seats is sufficient. PKS has 18 seats in the Jakarta DPRD, 11 seats in the Nasdem Party, and 10 PKB.

The number of 39 seats in the Jakarta DPRD from the three political parties is more than enough to carry Anies, because the minimum number of political parties or coalitions of political parties carrying candidate pairs is 22 seats in the Jakarta DPRD.

"But what happened was that everything was on stage, in fact, the people of Jakarta were not stupid to see things like that," he said.

Robi emphasized that the political party's stance regarding the Jakarta Pilkada will have consequences on public expectations, which in turn will lead to public trust or distrust of these parties.

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