JAKARTA - The Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan has recently rarely appeared to provide explanations or clarifications regarding a number of issues of concern to the Jakarta public. For example, the Rp0 down payment (DP) home program, the Formula E car racing event or the DKI Pemprov's plan to sell beer shares in PT Delta.
The explanation actually came from the Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta, Ahmad Riza Patria. Meanwhile, Anies, through his twitter account @aniesbaswedan, prefers to meet residents while eating food, drinking coffee, inaugurating the project and taking a walk to review the revitalization and use of sidewalks in Salemba Raya.
On March 11, for example, Anies posted himself having a warm breakfast at Gondangdia Station. On March 14, Anies stopped by a Kuningan coffee shop on Jl. Cipete Raya. Then March 15, Anies posted drinking kpi at the Tak Kie coffee shop in the Glodok area.
When meeting with the media crew, the former Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) also did not answer much. As on March 4, Anies did not respond to questions regarding the desire of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to sell shares of liquor companies (miras). "Thanks, yes," said Anies briefly, waving.
Furthermore, on Wednesday, March 17, Anies was reluctant to respond to questions from the media crew regarding the decision to increase the monthly income limit for residents who can receive a DP house of Rp. 0 to around Rp. 14 million.
"Later, just one and one thing first, yes," said Anies after attending the inauguration of the Regional Board of the Indonesian Mosque Council (DMI) at City Hall, Central Jakarta.
Public policy observer Trubus Rahadiansyah said Anies's activities were clearly related to political contestation in the upcoming 2022 Pilgub or the 2024 Presidential Election.
"He is more directed towards his image in facing or ahead of 2022 or 2024. Several survey results also place him favored by young people, with a large percentage," Trubus explained when contacted by VOI, Wednesday, March 24.
Furthermore, Anies felt that the problems in DKI had been answered by the Deputy Governor, Ahmad Riza Patria. "So that it avoids conflicts of interest even though what the Deputy Governor explained did not hit many, not not right (Deputy Governor's explanation) but many did not," explained Trubus. .
Trubus continued, Anies's political tactics by eating and drinking in coffee shops can be read through two analyzes. The first is testing the water. This means that Anies is waiting for the public's reaction to the problem, whether it is the Rp0 DP house, Formula E or beer stocks.
Both models of buying time. Anies procrastinated his answer while seeing the extent of the Jakarta public's reaction to the problem.
"Only then will he act. So that later he will be portrayed as a person who has the capacity to provide this. That's why he is now getting busy with grassroots matters, for example going to coffee shops, to UMKM,"
"This is considered as the term supporting MSMEs, he wants to be populist, the direction is in that direction," explained Trubus.
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