JAKARTA - The Indonesian Curator and Management Association (AKPI) will hold an Annual Member Meeting (RAT) in Kuningan, Jakarta on August 28

Chairman of the Afdalis Activity Committee, explained that RAT AKPI is a routine agenda as well as an order for the AKPI Articles of Association.

"Article 32 of AKPI's Articles of Association outlines that the implementation of the AKPI RAT is held every year, no later than August," explained Afdafis, Friday, August 9.

Furthermore, Afdalis conveyed that in the implementation of the AKPI 2024 RAT, there are 2 mandatory agendas that will be discussed, namely the Accountability Report of the AKPI Management for the 2023-2024 Fiscal Year and the Accountability Report of the Honorary Council for 2023-2024.

"The committee will accommodate two mandatory agendas in the form of LPJ Management and LPJ of the Honorary Council and will add additional agendas if needed by RAT Participants," he continued.

The Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Activities, Muh. Fadly Zijalal, explained that the activities to be carried out at The Ritz-Carlton Ballroom Jakarta, Mega Kuningan. Starting from 11:30 WITA-After this is a form of transparency between the AKPI management and the Honorary Council.

In addition, the Secretary of the Committee for the Irvin Saut Tua Sihombing Committee, on the occasion also said that in this RAT 2024 activity, all AKPI members would be invited, because they would at the same time become a forum for AKPI curators to stay in touch.

"All AKPI members spread throughout Indonesia will be invited, more than a thousand curators and administrators of AKPI, we will invite in the implementation of this AKPI RAT, even the invitation will be submitted in the national newspaper," he said.

Responding to this, the General Chairperson of AKPI Imran Nating, as a hope that AKPI members can attend the 2024 RAT because RAT is the association's annual agenda and is not only to hear the Management Work Accountability Report and Finance during the 2023-2024 financial year, but this is also a gathering event for all AKPI members in Indonesia.

"Therefore, as the general chairman, we really hope that the active participation of all members to both attend the AKPI annual agenda, so that members can find out what agendas have been implemented and which will be carried out in the next one year," he hoped.

Finally, Imran Nating said that this year's RAT also marks the age of 26 AKPI, which according to him, is very mature for the size of professional organizations, so that AKPI as an association can be more professional in serving its members.

"For AKPI members, they should interpret the 26 years of AKPI's age as increasingly professional in carrying out their duties as Curator and Management," he concluded.

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