DONGGALA - The Donggala District Attorney, Central Sulawesi, has named the Village Head and Treasurer of Sejahtera Village, Palolo District, Sigi Regency, as suspects in the alleged corruption case of the village fund budget (ADD).
Head of the District Attorney's Office, Donggala Fahri, said that the determination of the suspect in the alleged corruption case was based on sufficient evidence to detain the village head and treasurer of Sejahtera Sigi Village.
"Kedua aparat desa yaitu AR dan YL resmi kami tetapkan sebagai tersangka," Fahri di Donggala, Antara, Jumat, 9 Agustus.
He stated the detention of the two suspects for alleged corruption cases related to the misuse of the village fund budget.
"The Donggala District Attorney's Investigative Team is based on sufficient preliminary evidence or sufficient evidence and the provisions of Article 21 of the Criminal Procedure Code have determined the two suspects regarding the misuse of the Prosperous Village Village Budget (ADD) for the 2018 to 2023 fiscal year," he said.
He said that the result of the corruption crime caused state losses to reach Rp800 million.
"Of course, the provisional assumption for state losses due to this corruption case is still in the calculation stage but the state loss reaches Rp800 million," he said.
Kejari Donggala, he said, continues to be committed to processing allegations of corruption related to the misuse of village funds in Sejahtera Village, Palolo District, Sigi Regency.
"The state's losses include house renovations, livestock procurement, land acquisition for village offices and daily payment of honorariums for the community," he said.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Community and Village Empowerment Service (PMD) of Sigi Ambar Regency said that currently the acting village head in Sejahtera is the sub-district head of Palolo Herman.
He said AR had been temporarily suspended by the Sigi Regency government.
The temporary dismissal letter of the Head of the Prosperous Village is based on the Decree of the Sigi Regent and is valid from December 18, 2023.
"So the Palolo sub-district head serves as Acting Head of the Prosperous Village starting on December 18, 2023 until now," said Ambar.
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