PURWAKARTA - The Regency Government (Pemkab) of Purwakarta, West Java, ensures that clean water supply to meet the needs of the community remains safe despite the dry season.
Head of the Spatial Planning and Settlement Service of Purwakarta Agung Wahyudi said that among efforts to maintain clean water supply was to prepare water source facilities and maintenance.
"Last year we built clean water facilities in 15 sub-districts to maintain clean water supply," he said in Purwakarta, Antara, Friday, August 9.
In addition, he said, it is also done by maintaining clean water reserves, namely maintaining an environmental ecosystem, so that the quality and quantity of water resources are maintained properly.
"We are coordinating with the Environment Agency and other related agencies to ensure that the water resource ecosystem can be maintained and well maintained," said Agung.
To maintain environmental ecosystems, he said, with the steps of conservation strategies through maintaining green open areas and forestry areas as clean water reserves.
"Another way is to build infiltration wells as a source of water reserves. We will socialize this step continuously to the community, so that they can play a role in protecting the environment," he said.
Meanwhile, based on data from the Purwakarta Spatial Planning and Settlement Service, the demographic composition of the total population of Purwakarta reached 1,020,721 people, so the need for clean water in the area reached 67,057,852 liters of water or about 67,057 cubic meters.
Meanwhile, the composition of the need for clean water per person in Purwakarta reaches 120 liters per day for residents who live in urban areas and 80 liters per day for residents who live in rural areas.
"The need for clean water, apart from basic consumption needs, is also used for other basic needs, such as cooking, washing, bathing, and other household needs. The number continues to increase as the population grows," he said.
To meet the need for clean water for people in urban areas, it is supplied through the Regional Drinking Water Company (PDAM).
Meanwhile, rural communities, sources of clean water fulfillment are carried out by utilizing various water sources, including utilizing groundwater reserves, and building various physical facilities.
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