JAKARTA - Norway responded to Israel's decision to no longer accredit Norwegian diplomats serving in the Palestinian territories. The decision is called an extreme action taken by the Israeli government.

Norwegian Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide said his country is now considering its response to the situation.

"This is an extreme measure that mainly affects our ability to help Palestinians. Today's decision will have an impact on our relationship with the Netanyahu administration," he said.

As previously reported, Israel's Foreign Minister (Menlu), Israel Katz has threatened to revoke the diplomatic status of members of the Norwegian Embassy (Kedubes) for their pro-Palestinian stance.

Katz said Israel had not accepted the Norwegian embassy's actions for Palestinian authorities since Israel barred Gaza on October 7, 2023.

"I ordered the termination of all representatives on behalf of the Norwegian Embassy in Israel in conflict with the Palestinian authorities," Katz said in a statement, Thursday, August 8, quoted fromAP.

He again threatened to mention the consequences of a country's foreign policy such as Norway which recognizes the Palestinian state and supports Arab peace plans.

"There is a price for anti-Israeli behavior," Katz said.

Meanwhile, Norway is following in the footsteps of Spain and Ireland officially recognizes the Palestinian state amid Irsael's aggression in the Gaza Strip on Tuesday, May 28, 2024. Since then, Israel has been furious with Norway.

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