The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) of the Republic of Indonesia strongly suspects that there was an obstruction to the investigation or "obstruction of justice" in the case of the death of a student named Afif Maulana (13) in the city of Padang, West Sumatra (West Sumatra).
"For the time being, Komnas HAM is suspected to be like that, yes (obstruction of justice) in the case of Afif Maulana's death," said Komnas HAM Commissioner Hari Kurniawan in Padang, as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, August 8.
To prove whether there is an obstruction to the investigation or obstruction of justice, Komnas HAM wants to reveal all Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) around the scene, or other locations related to Afif Maulana's death.
Searches for CCTV, for example at the Kuranji Sector Police Office (Polsek), cafes around the scene and a number of other points.
Currently, the human rights institution is still trying to collect supporting evidence, especially CCTV. If everything is complete, Komnas HAM will immediately draw conclusions.
"But, for the time being, our suspicion is that there has been an obstruction of justice carried out by the police," he said.
The alleged obstruction of the investigation is getting stronger because Komnas HAM doubts the capacity of CCTV storage at the police station, which is less than a terabyte. On that occasion, his party also asked for the CCTV document to be recovered so that the case found a bright spot.
In fact, Hari admitted that he found many irregularities in the investigation into the Afif death case. Because, several times his party asked for the victim's autopsy document but it was not given.
"We also have several attempts to prevent them from meeting witnesses," he said.
To note, the Association of Indonesian Forensic and Illegal Doctors (PDFMI) conducted an exhumation against
Afif Maulana's body on Thursday morning at around 07.30 WIB at the Tanah Sirah Public Cemetery, Padang City. This step is aimed at proving the forensic cause of the student's death.
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