TANGERANG Ruko, which provides print-letter services, appeared on Jalan Bambu Apus Raya, Pamulang, South Tangerang, on fire. The cause of the fire is suspected to be an electrical short circuit.

The Commander of the South Tangerang Fire Department (Danton), Imam, said the incident occurred on Thursday, August 8, at 06.30 WIB.

"It is true that a fire occurred at the Ruko Percetakan huruf arising. The cause of the fire was an electrical short," said Imam when confirmed, Thursday, August 8.

A total of 5 units and dozens of South Tangerang firefighters were deployed to speed up the fire extinguishing.

Imam memastikan tidak ada korban jiwa dalam peristiwa tersebut. Namun untuk kerugian ditaksir hingga Rp400 juta.

"Losses reached Rp400 million," he concluded.

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