JAKARTA - Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution did not take his wife Kahiyang Ayu on vacation or to the mall. Bobby even invited President Joko Widodo's daughter to play floods in the city of Medan.

On Tuesday, March 23, Medan experienced heavy rain. As a result, Medan Tuntutan and Medan Johor were flooded. Bobby immediately took to the field.

"Heavy rains in a number of areas in the city of Medan have again resulted in floodwaters, especially in Medan Tuntung District, precisely on Jalan Jahe in front of Perummnas Simalingkar Ginger Tax," Bobby said as quoted Wednesday, March 24.

On the field, Bobby went directly with Kahiyang Ayu. They looked romantic as they greeted the residents affected by the flood hand in hand.

"It turns out that one of the causes of the flooding was that many of the trenches were permanently closed by residents. As a result, the sedimentation of the trenches accumulated and was no longer able to accommodate water discharge," said Bobby.

The two of them appeared to be wearing white clothes. Without hesitation they braved the flood, occasionally greeting the residents. There Bobby mediated regarding the opening of the closed trench. The residents also agreed to Bobby's request.

Bobby also checked the ditch. He immediately ordered local officials to confirm. "For that I also immediately ordered the Head of T Fortune to immediately coordinate with the Public Works Service (PU) to immediately work on dismantling the trench and cleaning up sedimentation," said Bobby.

Before the flood came, Bobby Nasution had moved quickly to normalize the ditch to clean up the trash so that it would not obstruct the waterways.

The trench normalization program in Medan was pushed by Bobby Nasution together with the deputy mayor of Medan Aulia Rachman. In a number of sub-districts, this program is being intensified. Heavy equipment was lowered.

Collaboration, the key word echoed by Bobby Nasution for handling floods in Medan. This means that the Pemko Medan still needs help from the local governments around it to work together to solve the root of the chronic flood problem.

This collaboration was initiated by Bobby Nasution by meeting representatives of the Deli Serdang Regency Government.

"Flooding is a big problem that can be resolved if there is good coordination and collaboration from all parties," said Bobby.

In the meeting, the Mayor and the Deli Serdang Regency Government agreed to cooperate in overcoming cleanliness, inundation, flooding and other problems. Moreover, many areas of Medan are directly adjacent to Deli Serdang.

"I believe it will be good for both parties," said Bobby.

The problem of the Medan City flood, according to Jokowi's son-in-law, has never been resolved. Therefore, the Medan Tajir program has become a priority program with the vice mayor of Medan, Aulia Rachman.

"To solve this flood requires collaboration between the Medan City Government, North Sumatra Provincial Government and the central government," said Bobby.

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