JAKARTA - The Indonesian Election Study Institute (LKPI) released the results of a survey related to public opinion of the candidate for regent and candidate for deputy regent of Banyuasin, East Java, in the 2024 Pilkada. As a result, the Slamet Somosentono-Alfi Rustam pair was superior with an electability rate of up to 50 percent.

"In a closed simulation, when respondents were asked from two Paslon regents and deputy regents of Banyuasin, the result was that the Slamet Somosentono-Alfi Rustam pair won up to 57.2 percent. Meanwhile, Askolani-Netta Indian was only chosen at 33.1 percent and the rest 9.7 did not vote," said LKPI Executive Director, Togu Lubis in a statement, Wednesday, August 7.

Togu explained, LKPI is also testing the level of popularity and acceptability of prospective candidates. As a result, the level of public recognition of Askolani candidates is indeed higher than Slamet Somosentono. Where Askolani's popularity level reached 88.2 percent and Slamet Somosentono was only 78.8 percent.

"However, the preference and acceptance side of the people of Banyuasin Regency as Regent, Slamet Somosentono is much higher than Askolani. Where the acceptance rate reached 89.8 percent while Askolani only 42.2 percent," said Togu.

Togu revealed that Askolani's popularity was quite high up to 88.2 percent due to news about her household problems which became a byword in society.

In this regard, 94.7 percent of respondents were aware of Askolani's household problems because they were reported to the South Sumatra Police.

"So that in terms of Askolani's popularity, although very high, it is in the category of perceived popularity (known but disliked). This is because her reputation is less positive and detrimental to her personal behavior, so it is well known because cases are reported to the law, her arrogance towards women, and other minor behaviors," said Togu.

In contrast to Slamet Somosentono's popularity, continued Togu, there is an individual attraction that is liked because of his good character and behavior as a leader in society. Slamet, he said, is considered to have personal abilities, empathy, and often helps others.

"In the practical realm, the popularity of this sociometric leads to a favorite construct or acceptability of the Banyuasin regent," explained Togu.

Then when the survey tested the electability level with the Askolani-Netta Indian pair head-to-head simulation with Slamet Somosentono-Alfi Rustam pair, the result was that the Slamet-Alfi pair was at the top with 47.9 percent. While Askolani-Netta was 42.7 percent and those who had not yet made a choice were 9.4 percent.

"The survey results also show that 81.5 percent of respondents will vote in the election for Regent & Deputy Regent in Banyuasin Regency, 10.6 percent of respondents said they would not vote in this election, and 7.9 percent did not know," he concluded.

The LKPI survey was conducted in the period 28 July 2024-5 August 2024 involving 1,000 people over 17 years old or married.

Data collection is carried out by face-to-face interviews using a qualifier. Meanwhile, quality control is carried out randomly on 20 percent of the total sample by supervisors.

The survey method uses a multistage random sampling method with a survey margin of error of 3.5 percent and a confidence level of 95 percent.

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