JAKARTA - Head of the Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Agency (BP2MI) Benny Rhamdani is said to have changed his statement about the figure with the initials T who is said to be the controller of online gambling.

Director of General Crimes at Bareskrim Polri Brigadier General Djuhandani Rahardjo Puro said Benny changed his testimony by mentioning information about T's figure obtained from the Head of BP2MI Serang who had died.

"Now the information has been updated from Joko Purwanto's brother, who happened to be the head of BP2MI from Serang and is currently dead," Djuhandani told reporters, Monday, August 5.

In fact, previously Benny said that the figure of T was obtained from a victim of a migrant worker who was illegally employed in Cambodia.

In fact, during the examination, Benny admitted that he did not have any evidence to reveal who the real figure with the initials T was.

"There is no evidence, even the initials T cannot be mentioned by the person concerned," he said.

Meanwhile, regarding the possibility of the investigation into the figure T being stopped, Djuhandani could not comment. Because, the matter will be determined later.

"We'll see later, later on, we will provide further information whether we will also conduct this, we will analyze it together, but what is clear is that the source of it cannot say who T is," said Djuhandani.

Previously, Benny claimed to explain that the figure with the initials T was not the controller of online gambling but the mastermind behind the criminal case of trafficking in persons or TIPs.

"My speech and what was conveyed in an internal meeting or limited meeting at the palace was about preventing criminal acts of trafficking in persons," said Benny.

"So when it comes to the Cambodian issue, it has something to do with where our illegally dispatched workers are employed in the online gambling business and online scamming," he continued.

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