JAKARTA - Minister of Religion (Menag) Yaqut Cholil Qoumas was reported again to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) today. It is suspected that corruption occurred in the implementation of the 2024 Hajj at the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag).

"We are present in front of the KPK to conduct a report related to the alleged KKN at the Ministry of Religion, which we strongly suspect was carried out by Yaqut Cholil as Minister of Religion, which is related to the city of Hajj in Indonesia," said the coordinator of the Student and Youth Alliance for People's Justice (AMALAN Rakyat), Raffi in his action at the KPK Jakarta Merah Putih building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta.

Raffi said he had submitted a bundle of data evidence on the alleged corruption of the hajj quota for the hajj quota to the KPK Public Complaints Section (Dumas). "We also brought one piece of evidence related to the flash disk evidence in which the recording was related to Commission VIII and also the Ministry of Religion," he said.

This complaint was made because Minister of Religion Yaqut was suspected of having used his authority. He is also said to have committed an unlawful act related to the transfer of the regular hajj quota to a special pilgrimage of 50 percent unilaterally so as to violate Law Number 8 of 2019 concerning the Implementation of Hajj and Umrah.

"Today in front of the KPK, we from the Student and Youth Alliance for People's Justice certainly with the spirit of anti-corruption stand in front of the KPK to speak the truth and legal facts that there is a minister of religion knowingly suspected of entangling laws and regulations," said Raffi.

Meanwhile, KPK spokesman Tessa Mahardika said that every report from the public who entered would be followed up. "The review is still being carried out," he said to reporters at the KPK's Merah Putih building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta.

"The process of reviewing or investigating if done is confidential. If it goes up to the investigation, the information is limited (which can be conveyed, ed)," continued the spokesman with the investigator's background.

Previously reported, Member of Commission III of the DPR PKS Faction Nasir Djamil asked the KPK to immediately investigate allegations of corruption that dragged the name of the Minister of Religion (Menag) Yaqut Cholil Qoumas and Deputy Minister of Religion (Wamenag) Saiful Rahmat Dasuki regarding the 2024 hajj quota. Reports that come in must be followed up.," said Nasir in his statement, Friday, August 2.

The anti-corruption commission received a number of reports from the public regarding the 2024 Hajj quota dispute. The most recent is the Anti-Corruption Youth Front (FPAK) which reported irregularities in the distribution of additional hajj quotas.

"Today I and my friends came to the KPK to report Gus Yaqut," said FPAK Coordinator Rahman Hakim to reporters at the KPK's Merah Putih building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Thursday, August 1.

In addition, there are also reports from the United UBK Student Activist Movement (GAMBU). They suspect that there is a transfer of the regular hajj quota to a special pilgrimage that smells of rasuah.

The chairman of GAMBU, Arya, assessed that the transfer of the quota violated the provisions of Law Number 8 of 2019 concerning the Implementation of Hajj and Umrah which regulates the special hajj quota should only be nine percent of the total quota of Indonesian pilgrims. "We as the reporter, please call the reported parties," Arya said on Wednesday, July 31.

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