JAKARTA - Entering the new school year, the first day of Si Kecil school became a new challenge for him, especially for your little one at the age of the first 5 years who will enter the level of formal education. It is important to understand that the age of the first 5 years of life is a golden period where the development of your little one's brain is almost fully formed at that age.

The initial foundations of learning, behavior and skills such as memory or logic and reasoning, have also developed, especially in this period. And will form a basis for brain development for adolescence and adulthood.

Dr. Kartika Eda Clearesta, Sp.A as a pediatrician said 90 percent of brain development occurs at the age of 5, where there is no other period in her life that has a very significant impact.

"Children's brains in this golden period are growing very rapidly, indeed prepared to learn and absorb as much information as possible. Therefore, people should not miss this important period as an initial preparation when they are about to start going to school so that he is smarter and more courageous later," he said in a written statement, Sunday, August 4. Optimal brain and cognitive development can support children to adapt and develop the abilities needed to achieve achievements. There are 3 supporting factors needed for brain development and cognitiveness, namely:

1. Stimulation: The sensory and motor experience at the beginning of life can affect brain to adult development. Parents can invite their children to play and study together, such as reading books before bed or playing in the park to stimulate their development.

2. Socialization: A supportive, caring, and consistent relationship between children and parents is the key to healthy brain development. Relationships between peers, especially when playing, can also affect behavior and social competence as adults.

3. Nutrient intake: The development of the child's brain can be optimized by fulfilling the nutrients that play an important role in brain development from the beginning of life to the age of 5.

In addition to cognitive stimulation, complete nutrition needs to be given at these important times. Important nutrients such as DHA, Omega 3, Omega 6, iron, and Vitamin C include essential nutrients that cannot be produced by the body in the optimal amount so it is necessary to add intake rich in these nutrients, such as growth milk.

Complete and important nutritional supplements such as DHA, Omega 3, Omega 6, iron and Vitamin C are needed to support children's optimal growth and development. If it does not get sufficient nutritional intake, it risks developing growth and development disorders. Moreover, adequate iron intake in school-age children is shown to significantly increase intelligence, concentration, and memory power, higher than children without sufficient iron intake. In addition, Omega 3 fat acids are the type of essential fatty acids that the body needs, especially for the development of Si Kecil's brain and can be obtained from fish oil or growth milk," explained dr. Kartika. M. Tjiptoputri, Brand Manager of SGM Exploror 3Plus said, SGM Explores always accompanies Mothers in Indonesia in supporting the growth and development process of the Little one in his first 5 years, including at an important time of entering school.

Through our commitment to support the Advanced Generation of Indonesia, SGM Explores presents and develops product innovations for various stages of age of the Little One. To support the Little One who is ready to learn, the SGM Explore 3Plus is specially formulated with the only IronCTM content - a unique combination of Iron & Vitamin C, which is useful for supporting iron absorption up to two times, and equipped with a 100 percent DHA of the quality of tuna oil, and Omega 3&6 to support the cognitive development of the Small and to make the Little one think fast and brave. With the right and balanced nutrition as well as support from parents, children will be able to face challenges in schools and optimize their cognitive growth, "he explained.

SGM Explores 3Plus is present in various flavor variants to meet the tastes of each child, namely Honey, Vanila and Chocolate.

“SGM Eksplor juga memiliki Sekolah Generasi Maju yang menjadi pendamping orang tua untuk mendapatkan informasi yang tepat bagi si Kecil serta memberikan kegiatan yang menstimulasi kognitif si Kecil. Di dalam Sekolah Generasi Maju, orang tua dapat menemukan informasi lengkap perkembangan anak 1-5 tahun yang sudah disesuaikan dengan tahapan perkembangannya. Mulai dari perkembangan kognitif, stimulasi serta kebutuhan nutrisi yang tepat untuk Si Kecil sesuai tahapannya. Selain itu, SGM Eksplor juga saat ini memiliki inovasi fitur permainan edukatif untuk stimulasi kognitif anak. Pedoman pola asuh, informasi dan permainan ini dapat diakses melalui website: https://www.generasimaju.co.id/sekolah-generasi-maju,” tutup Olivia.

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