NTB - The Bima District Attorney's Office (Kejari) examined two of the four suspects in the alleged corruption case in the procurement of wooden ships at the Bima Regency Transportation Service (Dishub) today, Friday, August 2.

Those examined by the Director of CV Baru Muncul with the initials AS got a job from the winner of the auction from the owner of the CV Berkah Brothers initials AR who is now a suspect.

Then, the suspect in the two planning consultants from the work of the goods procurement project using the government budget sourced from the 2019 special allocation fund (DAK) with the initials SA.

"Yes, there are two suspects being questioned today. The suspect underwent an examination accompanied by a lawyer," said Head of the Special Crimes Section of the Bima Kejari, Catur Hidayat in Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), Friday, August 2, confiscated by Antara.

Regarding the examination material, Catur chose not to disclose it to the public. He only said that this examination was still a request for additional information.

"Only additional examinations," he said.

For two other suspects with the initials AR, and the project commitment maker (PPK) official with the initials MS, Catur said investigators had not rescheduled for additional examinations.

Four suspects in this case are subject to allegations of Article 2 paragraph (1) and/or Article 3 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code.

Against the four suspects, the prosecutor's investigators have left the detention at the Class IIB Rutan Raba Bima.

The Bima Regency Transportation Agency auctioned off this project by realizing the 2019 DAK worth IDR 9989 million.

The budget is allocated for the procurement of two units of passenger-laden wooden ships with the winners of the CV Berkah Brothers auction.

This project is known to have the status of Final Hand Over (FHO) or the final handover of the job from the winner of the auction to the work unit at the Bima Regency Transportation Agency. The FHO status could not be separated from the results of the assessment of the work-checking committee team (PPHP).

Even though it has passed the PPHP team's assessment, based on the results of the NTB Inspectorate audit, the state financial loss rate was Rp. 928 million.

The audit results stated that the total loss in this case was due to experts in the shipping sector saying that the wooden ship could not operate because it was not like a screen.

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