TIMIKA - The joint Search and Rescue Team (SAR) of Timika, Mimika Regency, Central Papua Province said four people died in a longboat sea accident of 40 PK POB in Araraw waters, Muara Iruwa Potowariburu. Head of Sub-Section (Kasubsi) Operation and Alert for Timika SAR Charles Y. Batlajery said that the joint SAR team consisted of rescue personnel, Timika Mobile Brigade and Airud Police. "Today the Timika SAR team used RBB 600 PK belonging to Basarnas and Speed Boad belonging to the community to the scene to search for marine accident victims," he said in a release in Timika, Antara, Thursday, August 1. According to Charles, previously on Wednesday, July 31, 2024, the joint SAR team received information that one of the dead victims had been found by local people who were involved in the search. "One of the two victims who are being searched has been found by the community in a dead condition," he said. One of the victims found was Brimob personnel on behalf of Gunawan Wibisono, and until now the joint SAR team assisted by the local community to search for another victim on behalf of Agus Prayit. "The boat with a 40 PK POB engine with 13 passengers had an accident and killed four passengers," he said again. He added that the chronology of the sea accident began when the boat was from Timika to Potowariburu but when it was in Araraw waters the weather was bad and the waves hit the boat until it capsized.
"We received a report on the sea accident from the Potowaiburu Police Chief Ipda Muhyani," he said again.

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