JAKARTA - It's no longer China, the World Health Organization predicts the United States (US) will become the center of the next spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. Whereas previously, US President Donald Trump had argued that his country was not designed to be a place for the virus to spread. He even labeled the corona virus as the "Chinese virus" because that was where the virus originated.

The WHO says the number of cases has increased significantly in the US even as Donald Trump talks about reopening the country's business doors.

"We are now seeing a very large acceleration in the case of COVID-19 in the US. So there is indeed the potential (to become the epicenter of the pandemic)," WHO spokeswoman Margaret Harris was quoted as saying by The Guardian.

Until this news was written, the US was the second country with the most Covid-19 cases outside China after Italy. There were 55,222 cases recorded there with the number of deaths as many as 797 while there were 354 people who recovered. The number is not the actual number as reported by The Guardian. The actual number of cases tends to be much higher.

Trump acknowledged the difficulty of obtaining health care supplies that are critical to protecting medical workers who treat patients. In his Tweet Trump said, "The world market for face masks and ventilators is crazy. We are trying to help the state get the equipment, but it's not easy," Trump said.

Meanwhile, on Monday, Trump underestimated the crisis in the COVID-19 case in his country while many US governors began to urge people to stay at home.

President Trump is reluctant and says he is considering ways to restart the economy in the coming weeks. He wants to avoid a pandemic so that it does not become a "long-term financial problem."

"Our country is not built to shut down," Trump said. "America is not a country built for that."

Previously, President Trump has been seen making geographic labeling of this new corona virus. He was caught red-handed by Washington Post photographer Jabin Botsford, having replaced the word "corona" before the word virus with the word "Chinese". This immediately drew a public reaction.

As reported by CNN, the edited text of Trump's speech is part of the efforts of Trump and his administration to change the public's understanding of the global pandemic that China is responsible for all of this.

This caused a stir because it was suspected that there were attempts to encourage xenophobic sentiment towards China or that the Trump administration was trying not to be blamed for the government's steps in dealing with the corona virus.

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