JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the Ministry of Religion, Anna Hasbie, responded to the statement by Member of Commission VIII DPR as well as the Hajj Question Committee, Selly Andriany Change, who said that only 200,362 regular pilgrims paid for the 2024 Hajj Travel Fee (Bipih). In fact, according to Selly, the total quota reached 213,320 pilgrims. Anna Hasbie said, after being traced, it turned out that Selly had read the wrong data. According to her, Selly's mistake was not only due to technical problems, nor because she did not understand the flow of repayment of costs. Hajj. "I heard and looked at Selly's statement in the talk show. Obviously first, she read the data wrongly. Second, I don't understand the flow of payment of hajj fees," Anna Hasbie said in her statement to reporters, Wednesday, July 31. Anna Hasbie regretted that Selly immediately threw the statement without re-checking the correct data. "Unfortunately, Selly immediately threw the presumption about buying and selling," Anna continued. Furthermore, Anna explained, during Hajj operations, Siskohat presented a number of data which can be accessed by the public. The data offerings are quite complete, starting from the Regular Hajj Repayment, Special Hajj Repayment, Departure, Arrival in Saudi Arabia, Return, Arrival in Indonesia, to the profile and death of the congregation. "The data presented is complete and this is part of the Ministry of Religion's commitment to information disclosure," explained Anna. Regarding the payment data, said Anna, if the Regular Hajj Payment menu is opened, it will be presented with a selection of reserve status menus with options 0 (rather than reserves) and 1 (the reserve). In addition, he said, there was a choice of the payment stage menu with options 1 (stage I) and 2 (stage II). "200,362 pilgrims who paid off the Hajj costs referred to by Selly are only the number of regular and reserve pilgrims who pay the hajj costs in stage 1. There are still 20,612 regular and reserve pilgrims who pay the hajj fees in stage 2," explained Anna. If the settlement stages 1 and 2 are combined, the total will be 220,974 pilgrims. While the regular hajj quota is 213,320 pilgrims. This means, the number of pilgrims Those who paid off actually reached 103.59 percent, surpassing the available quota, "he added. Then, Anna continued, of the 213,320 quotas of regular pilgrims, who left for Saudi Arabia 213,275 pilgrims. This means, Anna said, until the end of departure, only 45 quotas remained because there were pilgrims canceling leaving this year and in time it was not enough to process the administrative documents to replace them. "The remaining 45 quotas are the smallest in the last 10 years," Anna said again. Anna emphasized, the payment data This cost is clear and easy to check. Politicians, according to him, can also easily access it through Siskohat. Because the data is deliberately presented so that it is easily accessible and transparent. "Because it is transparent, we make sure there are no deviations or buying and selling as asked by Selly," he said. Anna added, the payment of the Hajj Travel Fee (Bipih) was opened from January 10, 2024. In phase I, the payment was opened until February 23, 2024. Phase II repayment, opened on 13 - 26 March 2024.
"Well, since the beginning of the payment of phase I for pilgrims who meet the requirements of Istitha'ah and have the right to pay off the hajj fee, the Ministry of Religion has also opened a payment for the congregation with a reserve status. Those who can pay with a reserve status are the congregation who are in the next portion number. So there are no deviations," concluded Anna. Previously, Member of Commission VIII DPR from the PDIP faction, Selly Andriany Change said that only 200,362 regular pilgrims were able to pay for the 2024 Hajj Travel Cost (Bipih). Even though the total quota reached 213,320 pilgrims. Members of the Special Committee for Hajj Pilgrims of the DPR said this was based on data from the Ministry of Religion's Integrated Hajj Computerization System (Siskohat).
"Based on data from Siskohat, who paid for regular Hajj, 200,362 pilgrims (only 93.93 percent), while those departing were 213,275 pilgrims. There is a difference of 12,913 regular pilgrims who have not paid the Hajj costs. 12,913 pilgrims who are they? Is it true that they did not pay?," said Selly when he was a talk show resource person on one of the Youtube channels. "Meanwhile, the BPKH has already budgeted the value of the benefits. Or maybe this is being traded. Because there is nothing in Siskohat," he continued.
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