JAKARTA - The PAN DPP respects PP Muhammadiyah's decision to be ready to manage mines from the government. The chairman of the PAN DPP, Saleh Partaonan Daulay, said the decision was a very independent and independent decision.

In fact, Saleh said, before deciding to receive permission from the government, PP Muhammadiyah had conducted an in-depth study and heard input from experts.

"Muhammadiyah is always careful in making decisions. Moreover, this mining issue has attracted public attention. But usually, when it is decided, it will be done well and full of responsibility," Saleh told reporters, Tuesday, July 30.

According to the chairman of the PAN faction in the DPR, Muhammadiyah is very natural to accept mining concessions. Because Muhammadiyah is a religious mass organization that has fought for the Indonesian people since the colonial period.

"There is no need to doubt his experience in serving the people. There are thousands of schools, hundreds of universities, hundreds of hospitals, hundreds or even thousands of mosques, hundreds of mall baituls, MDMCs, Muhammadiyah lazis, and other business charities that are very beneficial to the community," he said.

"So it's a bit strange if there are people who doubt Muhammadiyah's ability. With so many universities, Muhammadiyah has experts from various disciplines. Many of them have overseas educational backgrounds," continued Saleh.

The legislator for the North Sumatra electoral district said that if Muhammadiyah is trusted to manage the mine, then the one who manages it is the organization. Not individuals for individual interests, so that the benefits that will be obtained will definitely be for the people and society.

"I am a Muhammadiyah cadre. I understand very well how the rules for managing business charities in Muhammadiyah are. Even leaders cannot intervene in the management policies that have been implemented. All managers must obey Muhammadiyah's rules and regulations. That is the main factor in why Muhammadiyah's business charities have grown and developed to this day," said the former chairman of PP Pemuda Muhammadiyah.

Saleh assessed that it would be beautiful if all parties gave Muhammadiyah the opportunity to manage the mine. Moreover, he said, Muhammad promised to restore the mandate if it was considered to bring land.

Therefore, Saleh is sure that Muhammadiyah will definitely make the best use of this opportunity.

"I see that many people criticize. There are even politicians who participate in comments. Unfortunately, his comments are far from the spirit of progress. In fact, maybe he does not fully understand Muhammadiyah's thoughts and social movements," said Saleh.

"In my opinion, Muhammadiyah must continue. Prove that Muhammadiyah can. The criticism that exists is used as an encouragement. Hopefully in the near future there will be results that can be felt by the community," he concluded.

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