JAKARTA - Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo, denied any discrimination by PT Transjakarta against the distribution of quotas for the procurement of the Microtrans fleet to partner operators.

This was in response to the demands of the fleet drivers who were members of Jak Lingko's partners. They complained that there was one partner operator who became a gold boy because he received the largest number of fleets to operate.

"No (there is a gold child). Of course, if we look at the proportion, some even have 90 percent realization, there are 75 percent, there are 65 percent," said Syafrin at DKI Jakarta City Hall, Tuesday, July 30.

"So, if you look at it, actually Transjakarta's colleagues are quite proportional," he continued.

However, Syafrin admitted that he still received the aspirations of Microtrans drivers to ensure equal distribution of fleet procurement quotas that are members of Jak Lingko.

"With the determination of the total allocation of all operators, it will be carried out proportionally by Transjakarta friends, including the calculation of rupiah per kilometer," said Syafrin.

Syafrin will also follow up on demands regarding joint reviews to agree on a nominal payment of rupiah per kilometer of the fleet operating carrying passengers.

"Regarding the calculation of the rupiah per kilometer, it must be based on a mutual agreement, of course there are careful calculations including agreements on parameters or variables that form from rupiah per kilometer which will later be determined," he explained.

Today, hundreds of Microtrans drivers held a demonstration at the DKI Jakarta City Hall. They also brought fleets parked along Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan. Congestion was inevitable.

Microtrans drivers demonstrated with a number of demands. One of them complained about the distribution of the Microtrans procurement quota as a substitute for regular fleets such as Metromini and angkot for partnering operators.

These drivers considered that there was discrimination from PT Transjakarta in Jak Lingko's policy. Of the 11 partner operators, there is 1 operator that is neglected by Transjakarta because it gets the quota for the absorption of the fleet at most compared to the others.

Then, the Microtrans driver also demanded that Transjakarta approve the payment of rupiah per kilometer of the fleet they submitted. This is because they are required to operate their fleet with a target of 100 kilometers per day with 28 working days in one month.

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