JAKARTA - Head of the Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Agency (BP2MI) Benny Rhamdani conveyed his reason for calling T's initials a person who is above the law.

According to him, the mention of the figure T who is above the law is because he has not been arrested even though he is strongly suspected of committing a criminal act.

"So, if the person who says it is suspected or what, has not been arrested, it means that he is immune to the law, it's simple," said Benny to reporters, Monday, July 29.

Regarding the true identity behind the initials T, Benny firmly refused to open it.

It was only emphasized that all information regarding the person who was in the good crime of trafficking in persons (TPPO) had been submitted to investigators.

"What is certain is that I consistently mention the initials, whose initials are, what background is, so I have given information to the police, investigators, and please ask the investigators," he said.

Before conveying this, Benny emphasized that T was not the controller of online gambling in Indonesia. But the mastermind behind the TIP case.

In fact, not only the figure with the initials T was conveyed to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) in a limited meeting. However, there are five other names referred to as TIP puppeteers.

"Because the theme is about TIP, it's not just the initials T that I conveyed. But there are other initials, for example illegal placements in Singapore. There is the initials S/J, the status is DPO to this day. Then the initials are ARO/AIM. The initials are DPO status, then the initials S and MN," said Benny.

Benny conveyed five other initials in front of Jokowi because during the limited meeting BP2MI revealed various things related to TIP, ranging from the modus operandi to the number of Indonesian citizens (WNI) who were employed illegally abroad.

"Some were dispatched to Singapore, their work was household workers. But those employed in Cambodia were online gambling and online scamming. Well, for Singapore we mentioned the initials. Then, for online scamming, we call the initials T," said Benny.

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