JAKARTA - Nicolwas Maduro, Venezuelan authoritarian leader, was re-elected as president. Opposition mentions there was fraud in the presidential election.

Maduro's victory was announced by the country's election authority amid allegations of election irregularities by the opposition.

With 80 percent of the votes calculated, Maduro, who has long been in power, won more than 51 percent of the vote. He outperformed candidates from the Democratic Unity Platform (PUD)

Reported by CNN, Monday, July 29, Maduro will serve for a third consecutive six-year term representing the continuity of the 'Chavismo' power, which began in 1999 at the hands of former president Hugo Chavez.

Maduro has been in power since Chavez's 2013 death.

The vote was carried out at a crucial time for Venezuela, the oil-rich country that experienced the worst economic collapse in the peacetime country in recent history. Maduro blamed foreign sanctions on its regime, saying Venezuela was a victim of an economic war.

Meanwhile, the opposition, which has pushed for this election cycle and has been the most significant threat to Maduro's rule over the years, has pledged to restore Venezuela's democracy and rebuild the economy if they win.

In the capital Caracas, opposition supporters were seen crying and hugging after the election results were announced.

Voters flocked and many said they would leave the country if Maduro won referenced to the cruel suppression and economic collapse under his government.

Earlier on Sunday, July 28 evening, opposition leaders claimed there was election fraud, including opposition witnesses who were not given access to CNE's headquarters when authorities counted votes.

CNE allegedly stopped sending data from local TPS to the central location to prevent more votes from being obtained. processed.

Throughout the election process, there are growing concerns the opposition will not see a fair election, as the Maduro government controls all public institutions in Venezuela and is accused of cheating in the previous election.

However, this was denied by them.

After CNE announced Maduro's victory, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken called on authorities to publish their vote tabulations, saying it was "very important" that each vote was calculated fairly and transparently.

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