NUSANTARA - President Joko Widodo shared his experience of staying at the Presidential Office of the capital city of Nusantara, East Kalimantan, on the evening of Sunday, July 28, not well because it was his first time.

"Secondly, last night I slept here. How about it? Ee.. not well. I said what it was," said President Jokowi when giving a press statement at the IKN Presidential Office, Central Core Area, East Kalimantan Government, Monday, July 29.

President Jokowi previously said that he would stay at the IKN Presidential Office in preparation for starting his office at IKN on Monday.

Unlike the previous one who was still staying at the Minister's Tapak House last June, the President on Sunday (28/7) night tried to stay at the IKN Presidential Office.

"Yes, maybe for the first time, maybe still not, what's wrong, not well," said the President.

Although the IKN Presidential Office can already be occupied, the President said that the progress of the construction carried out by thousands of workers was still ongoing.

As for the first day of his office in IKN, President Jokowi held his first meeting with the IKN Authority and the ranks of the East Kalimantan Regional Leadership Coordination Forum (Forkopimda).

This was conveyed by the Deputy for Protocol, Press and Media of the Presidential Secretariat Yusuf Permana in a statement received at Penajam Paser Utara, East Kalimantan, Monday.

"He plans to have a meeting with the OIKN staff accompanied by the Minister of State Secretary and the Minister of PUPR. Then he will also accept the ranks of the East Kalimantan Forkompinda," said Yusuf.

Yusuf said the meeting at the IKN Palace would be held the same way as meetings at the Presidential Palace, Jakarta.

"This morning the President will receive guests/audiences and meetings in the President's office at the Presidential Office at IKN, such as daily events when you have an office at the Merdeka Palace in Jakarta," said Yusuf.

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