PPI Director Adi Prayitno assessed that PBNU's desire to overthrow Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin) and reclaim PKB through the establishment of a Special Committee (Pansus) would be difficult to realize.

As is known, PBNU Secretary General Saifullah Yusuf revealed that his party is currently discussing forming a kind of special committee to return the PKB to the NU lap, because it is considered to deviate from the initial fatsun of its establishment.

Adi assessed that Gus Ipul's discourse could not be separated from the history of the dispute between Abdurrahman Wahid's (Gus Dur) camp and Cak Imin. According to him, the friction between PBNU and PKB escalated after Yahya Cholil Staquf (Gus Yahya) replaced Said Aqil Siradj.

This makes the creation of a political slice between PBNU and PKB. Indeed, the relationship with PKB is heating up and tapering, yes, because the current chairman of PBNU is considered to have a different political interest from Cak Imin," said Adi, Sunday, July 28, 2024.

Therefore, it is natural that this discourse on the special committee is considered a political step from Gus Dur's camp which wants to reclaim the PKB in the midst of disharmony between the PBNU management and the PKB management, as well as efforts to align NU's political interests with PKB.

Adi emphasized that PKB was born from the womb of NU, as a political forum for NU cadres. However, PKB is an independent political institution that cannot be intervened and regulated by any party, including PBNU.

"It's difficult because PKB is an institution that has its own structure and has a different organizational, management and interests from NU. If there is a special committee, maybe politically it will be crowded, but in practice it will be difficult, "concluded Adi.

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