JAKARTA - Today, July 27 is a historic day for the PDI-P DPP, which commemorated 28 years of attack on the PDI head office on 27 July 1996 or known as the Kudatuli incident.

To commemorate it, the PDI-P DPP featured a theatrical titled Kudatuli July 27, We Don't Forget.

Based on observations at the PDI-P DPP Building on Jalan Diponegoro, Central Jakarta, Saturday, the activity began with the reading of poetry by writer Amien Kamiel.

Enthusiasticly, he read out four poems by Widji Thukul entitled "Our Ruler, Goal of One Mother, Attitude, and Sound Sajak".

Then, the activity continued with a theatrical action describing the attack on the PDI office on July 27, 1996. Hundreds of young men in bags and red headbands walked along with the drum band while demonstrating the raid incident.

They also demonstrated scenes when the masses forced their way into the DPP office and threw stones at the building.

The head of the PDI-P History Agency! Triyana said that this theatrical action was held with the aim of caring for memories of the incident.

"This is a reconstruction of the incident on July 27, 1996, where the clock and time were right, at which time there was an attack on the PDI DPP office at that time. With this, we don't want to raise any injuries. However, we just want to take care of memories that may still be traumatic for some people," he said, quoted from Antara, Saturday, July 27.

He said that this attack had a big positive impact on the dynamics of Indonesian politics.

"Without the events of July 27, 1996, there may not be 1997-1998 reform, maybe there will be no direct presidential election, there is no opportunity for someone to dream of becoming a high-ranking official even from a simple family," he said.

After the theatrical action, the activity was enlivened with the performance of a song from soloist Fajar Merah who was the son of Widji Thukul.

The event was also attended by PDIP DPP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto, PDIP Deputy Secretary General Yoseph Aryo Adhie and Sadarestuwati, PDIP Treasurer Yuke Yurike and PDIP DPP Chairs such as Ganjar Pranowo, Yasonna Laoly, Ribka Tjiptaning, Eriko Sotarduga, and Wiryanti Sukamdani.

The General Chairperson of the PDIP DPP Megawati Soekarnoputri participated in this event online.

For information, the attack and forced retrieval of the PDI DPP office on Jalan Diponegoro, Central Jakarta, on July 27, 1996, was known as the attack on July 27 or Kudatuli or Sabtu Kelubu. The attack was carried out by a mass of supporters of Soerjadi assisted by security forces.

This incident spread to riots in several areas in Jakarta, especially in the Jalan Diponegoro area, Salemba, Kramat, Central Jakarta.

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