JAKARTA - The use of information and communication technology (ICT) today is considered part of the needs of individuals in almost all countries. Youth figure Yusran Isnaini said, actually the development of the use of ICT is quite encouraging, however, there will still be problems in it.

"Internet use among youth or adolescents during this pandemic must also be observed carefully, reaching 19.3 percent with an average usage of 11.6 hours per day. Because the use of social media includes WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, until YouTube becomes out of control," said Yusran in a discussion "Increasing the Role of Youth in Utilizing ICT" initiated by Telecommunication and Information Accessibility Agency of the Ministry of Communication and Information (BAKTI Kominfo), Monday 22 March.

According to him, the use of ICT must be directed so that it does not become a boomerang for the younger generation, especially the negative impacts that can slowly destroy the structure of community life and national unity, such as rampant hoaxes and incitement of hatred.

"Increasing the role of youth in the use of ICT for national unity, the power of information is far greater than that of any armed forces in the world, functions as improving the quality of life and welfare of society, increasing national competitiveness, strengthening national unity and unity, realizing transparent government and enhances the national identity at the international level," said Yusran.

Data collected by We Are Social and Hootsuite through the Digital 2021 report: The Latest Insights Into The 'State of Digital' as of January 2021 reveals that the number of internet users in Indonesia has increased by 73.7 percent of Indonesia's total population. This means, of the 274.9 million population of Indonesia, 202.6 million of them are internet users.

"The prevalence of hoaxes, incitement, and hate speech from certain parties in the use of ICT, especially on social media, is a common concern, especially the composition of the population, which is currently mostly among the people or millennials. It is realized that the condition of national unity and integrity currently faces considerable worrying challenges," explained Yusran.

Yusran explained, there are several factors that influence this, including economic, political, social conditions, law enforcement, damage to cohesion, and social integration due to the fading of the spirit of harmony, tolerance, and harmony in society that has been going on so far.

"This is once again the important role of youth in the use of ICT, especially in maintaining the unity and integrity of the nation. The youth, who are mostly from the millennial generation and generation Z, must realize and improve good and responsible ICT knowledge, namely always prioritizing accuracy and caution in receiving the news and check the facts," he said.

On the other hand, he continued, the government should not only place youths as objects but must become partners for the government. This is because the synergy process and the desire to maintain national integration will not be realized if the government tends to dominate without encouraging the full participation of youth as the largest part of the Indonesian people.

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