JAKARTA - Chairman of the Mega-Bintang Foundation, Boyamin Saiman, filed a lawsuit against the Surakarta Police at the Surakarta District Court.

This lawsuit was filed in connection with the Arkham case which insinuated Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka. Boyamin said Arkham was arrested by the police.

"Yes (actually filed a lawsuit, red)", said Boyamin when contacted by VOI via text message, Monday, March 22.

Boyamin explained Arkham's arrest was illegal because he had no legal basis. Boyamin said the comments of the owner of the Instagram account @arkham_87 did not meet the criteria for spreading hoaxes or defaming.

"He only criticized", he said.

Also, Arkham was arrested without any reports from Gibran as the injured party. In fact, based on the Chief of Police Circular (SE) Number SE/2/II/2021 Number 3 Letter E, the police only act if there is a report from the victim.

"In this position, Mas Gibran also did not report to the police. It means that the basis for the action did not exist because there was no report to the police", he said.

"The reporter must immediately report to the police. You can't even represent a lawyer”, added this anti-corruption activist.

Arkham's case stems from the Instagram account arkham_87 which wrote a comment "What does he know about football, but only when he was given a position", on @garudarevolution Instagram.

At that time, Arkham commented on the post regarding the wish of the Mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, that the Menpora Cup semifinals and finals be held in Solo.

Arkham's comment was answered by the Surakarta Police's Instagram account.

"Don't be easy to comment on hoaxes on social media", said the Surakarta Police admin, mentioning the @arkham_87 account.

Arkham hurriedly apologized in his comment. "Ready sir, apologize in advance", he said.

Meanwhile, the Mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, apologized to the owner of the @arkham_87 Instagram account. According to Gibran, he often experiences cases like this, including his father, Joko Widodo, and Mrs. Iriana, including his extended family.

"I have often been bullied, insulted. I have never reported a single one, you know. Everything is forgiven for bullying me, my family, father, mother, all are forgiven", said Gibran. March 16th.

Meanwhile, the National Police emphasized that Arkham, who insinuated Gibran, was not arrested. Head of Penum Kombes Ahmad Ramadhan said Arkham had personally come to the police station to apologize.

"Nothing was secured. I repeat nothing was secured at the Solo Police", said Head of Penum Kombes Ahmad Ramadhan to reporters, Wednesday, March 17.

According to him, the Surakarta Police virtual police team only reminded Arkham who commented on his Instagram account about the Mayor of Gibran.

"So what the virtual police do there is only to remind the account, then the person concerned comes to the police station to apologize and write an apology statement. So the person concerned came to the police station to apologize and at the police station made a statement of apology and the case was over. So it is not true that the person concerned was secured", said Ahmad Ramadhan.

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