JAKARTA - Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian left a message to graduates of the Institute of Domestic Administration (IPDN) to become strong leaders who have concepts, as well as become effective and efficient state bureaucrats.

"Adik-adik dari IPDN terutama disiapkan untuk menjadi leader ke depan, pemimpin, sudah banyak yang menjadi Pj. Gubernur, Sekjen, Dirjen, banyak sekali dari pempulan IPDN," kata Tito dalam keterangannya di Jakarta, Jumat 26 Juli, disitat Antara.

He explained that good leaders not only have power, but also have an organizational concept which will be used as what and where to take them.

The basis of a leader who has a concept is that he has extensive knowledge, both from himself and from others.

"We immediately hear the experience of other people (who) are immediately heard, or what they book, or recorded by others. That's why diligently reading the experiences of other people who have been recorded, their knowledge is recorded. Actually (it's) our way of getting knowledge, from knowledge we can have concepts," he said.

Tito added that leaders who want to succeed must also be supported by good subordinates and chosen with two variables.

First, you can work, excel, and be loyal. Second, do not create problems and do not worry your head.

"Batins that are told to do anything are okay, finished their duties, are loyal, don't talk about superiors behind their backs, and he doesn't create problems. Every time he comes, always solutions or good news, subordinates like this like us," Tito continued.

He said that integrity is also an important thing to become an effective and efficient state bureaucrat or state civil servant (ASN).

Currently, both the Ministry of Home Affairs and ASN at the central and regional levels work together to create an effective and efficient bureaucracy.

This is done with various breakthroughs, including improving welfare for ASN.

"In countries that have advanced, welfare for bureaucrats is good. Sometimes the encouragement that is your only tough task in taking office, the risk is lower, the salary is not much different. Now, I ask all of you to have integrity number one and then how to work effectively and efficiently," he concluded.

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