Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo, admitted that the rules for the paid road system or electronic road pricing (ERP) in Jakarta are included in the Draft Regional Regulation on Traffic Need Management.

However, the DKI Provincial Government is only limited to accommodating the legal umbrella by including the ERP implementation plan in the new regional regulation.

"It's still under discussion, it's still internal. It hasn't been included in the (regulation)," said Syafrin at DKI Jakarta City Hall, Friday, July 26.

The DKI Transportation Agency has previously carried out discussions or focus group discussions (FGD) with the Ministry of Transportation, experts, and practitioners in the transportation sector to discuss the preparation of the Raperda.

This Raperda is also prepared as a derivative rule of Law Number 2 of 2024 concerning the Province of the Special Region of Jakarta (UU DKJ), as a legal umbrella for traffic regulation when Jakarta is no longer the capital city.

"Due to the DKJ Law, we will investigate the whole thing in the context of drafting a regional regulation. This is still in the context of drafting an academic manuscript," explained Syafrin.

Even so, Syafrin emphasized that his party had not planned the time for the ERP implementation, even though later Jakarta had the status of DKJ. "It has not been determined when it will be implemented," he added.

The ERP implementation regulations have actually been contained in the draft draft Raperda for electronic traffic control (PL2SE) in 2023.

The Provincial Government and the DKI DPRD also had an initial discussion regarding the contents in the regional regulation, but the discussion of articles per article has not been carried out.

However, this has drawn resistance from the public, especially ojol drivers who had held a demonstration at the DKI City Hall. They demanded that the DKI Provincial Government revoke the ERP Raperda.

Until finally, the regional regulation that had been submitted to the DPRD was returned for revision and there has been no follow-up to date.

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