JAKARTA - The government will provide incentives for workers in the informal sector who are affected by the outbreak of the corona virus or COVID-19. Currently, the scheme is being formulated by the Ministry of Finance. This incentive is the government's effort to maintain a social safety net.

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani said one of the options for the assistance scheme for the informal sector is in the form of direct cash assistance.

"We are still looking at the existing database to help the community," said Sri Mulyani, in a video conference, in Jakarta, Tuesday, March 24.

Sri Mulyani ensured that the assistance would be provided so that informal sector workers could still get basic goods and work without having to have direct contact with other workers.

As is well known, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) instructed, to reduce interactions and if carrying out activities must follow health protocols while maintaining a safe distance. This was done to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

Meanwhile, continued Sri Mulyani, regarding social safety networks, the government will make changes to the family hope program (PKH) scheme. There are two options for extending that reach.

"Earlier, we were discussing whether the number of recipients was increased, or from the (nominal) side the benefits would also be increased. This will be calculated from the budget side," he said.

The government, continued Sri Mulyani, will also provide incentives for those affected by layoffs due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This incentive will be channeled through BPJS Ketenagakerjaan or currently changing to BP Jamsostek.

"Providing compensation plus training. So that they can get at least three months of training and compensation of Rp1 million per head," he explained.

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