BOGOR - Hundreds of masses will hold a demonstration in front of the Bogor Regency BPN Office, on Friday, July 25, 2024. In this action, they demanded that the head of ATR/BPN Bogor Regency be removed.

Chairman of the People's Voice Student Movement (Gemasura), Zayyen Iman, said that the land mafia in Bogor Regency is already worrying, they can freely double or make replacement certificates.

"The land mafia that has led to land disputes in Bogor Regency has become a frightening scourge for anyone. The reason is, it affects all groups, from vulnerable communities, companies, even elements of government," said Zayyen.

For example, the case of abandoned land in Kawung Luwuk Village, Cijeruk Village, Cijeruk District, Bogor Regency which was in the spotlight after the Indonesian Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) gave a special response to the performance of the Bogor Regency Land Office.

Zayyen revealed recently that hundreds of residents of Gunung Putri Village were threatened with their land being taken over by the company, they even held a demonstration in front of the Gunung Putri Village office, Bogor Regency.

They were furious because their land was threatened with being taken over by one of the mining companies. This land dispute between residents and mining companies has been going on for almost 40 years.

The company claims 40 hectares of land as their own, even though local residents have lived in the land for generations.

In the results of the investigation, he obtained the latest facts regarding the issuance of a replacement land certificate in Bogor Regency, precisely in Bojong Koneng Village, Babakan Madang.

In fact, Zayyen said, the land that was annexed belonged to the Bojong Koneng Village Government office, he deeply regretted the incident and spoke with the local village government.

Zayyen said that he received an explanation from the village that the Bojong Koneng Village Government had controlled 34.1 hectares of land from 1960 which was stated in book C.

Then in 2007, the Bogor Regent's decision to issue a letter regarding the approval to exchange 34.1 hectare village treasury land in Bojong Koneng Village, Babakan Madang controlled by the Bojong Koneng Village Government with 105 hectares of land owned by PT. Citra Kharisma communika in Selawangi Village, Tanjungsari.

Since the Regent's decree was signed, it is known that in 2011 village treasury land was traded by the party claiming to be H Abu Burhanudin's heir to Drs. Moch Arifin.

On June 13, 2024, the Bojong Koneng Village Government with heirs H Abu Burhanudin signed a deed of agreement to release the heirs' land to the Bojong Koneng Village Government covering an area of 34.1 hectares.

Surprisingly, from the meeting it was known that six replacement certificates had been issued, and the severity of these heirs had never received any physicality at all to this day.

Even though the issuance of certificates requires a process involving the applicant, the owners of adjacent land, Village Civil Service and related agencies to obtain explanations and documents as a basis for rights related to the application for the certificate.

Explanations, both verbal and written from related parties, have the opportunity for forgery, expiration even if it is not true or fictitious, resulting in a legal certificate.

"The authority to cancel land rights certificates deemed flawed lies with the Head of the National Land Agency of the Republic of Indonesia, as stipulated in the provisions of Article 73 paragraph (1) of the Regulation of the Head of the National Land Agency of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3 of 2011," said Zayyen.

He admitted that he would continue to oversee the land dispute case in Bogor Regency, especially the Bojong Koneng Village issue. Because it is suspected that BPN intervened in the issuance of a replacement certificate.

On the other hand, Rizqi Barok, the Field Coordinator, will ask the Ministry of ATR/BPN to remove the Head of BPN Bogor Regency, because he is suspected of having committed a legal act so that there have been many land disputes in Bogor Regency.

"Even in 2022 the Bogor Police arrested a Bogor Regency BPN for being the land mafia by falsifying data on the certificate, we don't want something like that to happen again," added Rizqi.

Rizqi suspects that this kind of practice cannot be done by just one person, but this is already structured and systematic. Therefore, law enforcement officers must step down to monitor and investigate the allegation.

"We, together with the people of Bojong Koneng, around 200 people will be surrounded by BPN Bogor Regency on Friday," he concluded.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Bogor Regency Land Office, Yuliana, was reluctant to comment on various land cases in Tegar Beriman Earth.

Until this news was published, the Bogor Regency Land Office had not provided a statement.

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