The Cianjur Police Narcotics Unit, West Java, arrested four suspected drug dealers with the mode of traveling to a number of locations. This 'Starategi' was carried out by the perpetrators to trick the officers. Head of Cianjur Police Narcotics Unit, AKP Septian Pratama, said the perpetrator was arrested on Monday, July 21. From the suspect's hands, 7,000 pills of various types were secured. The four residents outside Cianjur are ZF (26), DA (29), RI (22), and M (26). "Regarding this, we spread members to a number of locations where the suspect used to peddle illegal drugs stored in bags, the mode was carried out after the sealing of a number of stalls was carried out by officers," he said in Cianjur, Antara, Wednesday, July 24. He explained that ZF and DA circulated illegal drugs in the Rawabango Terminal area, while RI and M circulated illegal drugs in the Puncak-Cipanas area, this has been going on for the last few weeks because their kiosks were installed with police lines. Even to trick and avoid surveillance by officers, the four people only acted for a few hours and returned to selling after feeling safe, but their action ended after an undercover officer arrested him. "They will go around at certain hours to a number of points and disappear after distributing illegal drugs to a number of buyers, this is done to avoid surveillance by officers," he said. For their actions, the perpetrators were charged with Article 435 and Article 436 of Law No. 17 of 2023 concerning Health with a maximum penalty of 12 years in prison or a maximum fine of IDR 5 billion. "We will intensify operations and raids to a number of points that are considered prone to the circulation of illegal drugs, drugs and liquor as well as other public diseases," said Septian.
His party also invited residents to report immediately if they found suspicious activities in the neighborhood where they lived, to take firm action. "Don't be vigilant, leave everything to the police," he said.

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