MALANG RAYA - Socialization related to earthquake natural disaster mitigation efforts has often been carried out. The Geological Agency of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) conducted socialization related to this effort along with the after impact on hundreds of people in Malang City, East Java, Saturday.

Head of the Geological Survey Center of the Geological Agency of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Edy Slameto, stated that the issue is currently in the spotlight related to megathrust, so detailed information needs to be given so as not to cause public concern.

"So socialization is one of our efforts at the Geological Agency to provide comprehensive information and what needs to be done is to improve public understanding of mitigation," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, September 7.

He stated that the megathrust of a large magnitude earthquake has the potential to occur in Indonesia and is a logical consequence due to the meeting of three large plates in an area.

"There are Eurasian, Australian, and Pacific plates, so that what is called an earthquake is a necessity and unavoidable," he said.

The potential for megathrust to occur is unavoidable, so it requires a comprehensive mitigation pattern to anticipate casualties.

He stated that until now there is no technology or tool that can predict exactly when a megathrust will occur.

"We installed GPS moves that can be measured. But no one knows when it will be achieved," he said.

Therefore, Edy stated, increasing public understanding is an important thing that needs to be done, so that information and handling patterns can be conveyed optimally.

"But there is no need to be afraid because the one who killed it was not the earthquake, but the impact of the follow-up after the earthquake, for example the wall collapsed, the roof fell, or was electrocuted," he said.

The community is the most important part of mitigating natural disasters and the following impacts. With the potential for disasters, the public can be vigilant and know what to do when an earthquake occurs. It is hoped that natural disaster mitigation can be included in the curriculum at every level of education.

"So, like in Japan, which already has good mitigation, entering the school curriculum, even playgroups and elementary schools have been obtained," he said.

Meanwhile, a member of Commission VII of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) Ridwan Hisjam said the people in Malang Raya were in direct contact with geological problems.

"Here there are mountains, beaches, basins, and plates," he said

He said that natural disaster problems could not be prevented, but that did not mean that the public was not given knowledge about handling and pattern of rescue.

"This instills awareness for the community, so don't be afraid. We also live in a ring of fire," he said.

He hopes that similar socialization will not only stop in Malang Raya but can be held in other parts of Indonesia in a sustainable manner.

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