JAKARTA - Commission VI of the House of Representatives reminded the Government-made Illegal Imports Task Force to target the big players and mafia behind them. Do not even target small businesses or retailers, let alone MSMEs.

"The task force should not target small business actors or small traders. It should target the importers directly and the big players," said Member of Commission VI of the DPR Luluk Nur Hamidah, Tuesday, July 23.

The Illegal Import Goods Task Force will be tasked with supervising and taking action against importers who import goods illegally. In addition, the task force will investigate whether the goods in the market that will be prosecuted meet the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) or not.

The establishment of the Illegal Imported Goods Task Force is contained in the Decree of the Minister of Trade (Kepmendag) Number 932 of 2024 which is set to start July 18, 2024 and will work until December 31. Luluk also encourages parties who are members of the Task Force to really carry out their mandate according to the purpose of establishing an Illegal Imported Goods Task Force.

"This task force is said to be formed to create strategic steps in the supervision and handling of imported problems. So it really has to be done with such a goal, not to scare the public," he said.

There are seven types of imported goods that will be targeted by the Task Force, namely textiles and textile products (TPT), finished clothes and accessories, ceramics, electronics, footwear, cosmetics, and textile goods. The Illegal Import Goods Task Force states that it targets importers and large distributors, not retailers who are considered as a result of illegal imports.

In carrying out their duties, the Illegal Import Goods Task Force can coordinate and/or involve business actors associations carried out through the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin). The Task Force will also supervise the process of entering goods, including in ports.

"Strengthen the entry route for goods, both large ports, small ports and rat port routes," said Luluk.

Luluk also highlighted the role of Customs and Excise in the issue of importing illegal goods, following the recent performance of Customs and Excise which received a lot of attention.

"Coordination with Customs and Excise must also be clear. There should be no lies between them," said the woman who is also on duty at the Legislation Body (Baleg).

Led by the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) which is a partner of Commission VI of the DPR, members of the Illegal Imported Goods Task Force consist of 11 ministries/agencies. Apart from the Ministry of Trade, some of them are the Ministry of Industry, Police, Attorney General's Office, Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Bakamla or TNI AL, to BIN (State Intelligence Agency).

Law enforcement related to illegal import practices must be strictly applied by the Task Force against perpetrators of illegal imports. That way, the formation of this Task Force becomes effective and useful.

"If there are people who play, make sure to take action regardless of their position and position," said Luluk.

"And once again, make sure what is being dealt with is the big fish. Not small traders or retailers as stated by the Trade Minister because they are the result of the practice of importing illegal goods," he continued.

The warning from Luluk was not without reason because recently it was busy on social media video showing the panic of traders at ITC Mangga Dua Jakarta because there was information on raids on illegal imported goods. Customs and Excise was accused of being the party conducting the raid, but had given a rebuttal.

Seeing the viral video, many netizens criticized institutions/institutions related to the process of imported goods entering Indonesia. They considered that the blame should be the parties who'relose' these illegal items.

"Because that's the way it should be. So this should also be the priority of the Task Force. Not only importers, but also naughty people who pass. Illegal goods from importers will not be able to enter if no one passes, "said Luluk.

The illegal import network is the same as the mafia's work. Many actors are involved, either individually or in a network. This is what the main thing must be targeted," he added.

Commission VI in charge of trade affairs ensures that the DPR will oversee the work of the Illegal Imported Goods Task Force. The DPR also asked for public participation in the issue of treating illegal imports, including supervising the performance of this task force.

"If the public finds any indication of a violation, report it immediately. If you are afraid to report it to the task force or law enforcement, report it to us, so we will go down to check it out," Luluk concluded.

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