The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police uncovered the practice of trafficking in persons (TPPO) using the mode of using commercial sex workers or prostitutes in Australia. In this case, 50 people were recorded as victims. "Disclosure of the crime of trafficking in persons with the mode of bringing Indonesian citizens (WNI) abroad, namely to Australia, to be sexually exploited," said Director of General Crimes at Bareskrim Polri Brigadier General Djuhandani Rahardjo Puro to reporters, Tuesday, July 23. The disclosure of the TIP case began with the submission of information from the Australian Federal Police (AFP) to the National Police regarding the alleged TIP on September 6, 2023. Then, the information was followed up by examining witnesses regarding the alleged TIP mode of working as a prostitute in Sydney, Australia. From a series of investigations and investigations, Bareskrim arrested a suspect with the initials FLA (36) in Kalideres, West Jakarta on March 18, 2024. Suspect FLA acts as a recruiter. Then, prepare the victim's visa and departure ticket to Sydney. "The suspect FLA handed over the victim to the suspect SS alias Batman who was in Sydney. The role of SS alias Batman is the coordinator of several prostitution places in Sydney," he said. "The Batman suspect picked up, accommodated and employed victims at several prostitution places in Sydney, and benefited from the victims," continued Djuhandani. Dari hasil pemeriksaan para tersangka, praktik TIP ini sudah dilakukan sejak lama. Bahkan, keuntungan yang mereka dapat mencapai Rp500 jut. "From the suspect's confession, this network has been carrying out activities since 2019 where Indonesian citizens who were recruited and dispatched and employed as commercial sex workers in Australia were approximately 50 people, and the suspect made a profit of around Rp. 500 million," said Djuhandani.
In this case, the suspect is charged with Article 4 of Law No. 21 of 2007 concerning the eradication of TIP with a maximum penalty of 15 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 600 million.

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