Central Kalimantan's Natural Resources Conservation Center (BKSDA) through the BKSDA Resort Sampit took back the trap camera installed on Hanibung Island, East Kotawaringin Regency (Kotim), approximately one and a half months 'We carried out active sampling cameras installed by fellow Central Kalimantan BKSDA on Hanibung Island. Meanwhile, the camera recorded various activities of animals such as bent, long-tailed monkeys and tupa,' said BKSDA Resort Commander Sampit Muriansyah, quoted by ANTARA, Sunday, July 21. He explained that the installation of this trap camera was part of a survey activity conducted by the Caliphary Team (Hayati Diversity) of the Central Kalimantan BKSDA in mid-May. This activity is a follow-up to the local government's plan to make Hanibung Island a marine park tourist attraction as well as a conservation area for various flora and fauna. In addition to the animals recorded in the trapping camera, Muriansyah said that his party found traces and other animal impurities at the location which were suspected to be traces oftenders. This indicates the possibility that there are still many other animals on the island that were not caught by the camera. To detect the presence of the animal can be from traces, dirt, fur, rest of the fruit eaten and others. At that time we found the presence of traces of other animals, but unfortunately it was not caught on camera,' he said.

Muriansyah explained that in addition to taking camera traps, his party also conducts socialization and discussions with local residents regarding the types of wildlife protected by law and how to handle it. Thus, it is hoped that residents can participate in maintaining the presence of wildlife in the location as a wealth of biodiversity on Hanibung Island. For information, Hanibung Island is part of the upstream area of Camba Village, Besi City District. The 260 hectares island, which is still natural, contains a lot of flora and fauna, so it is considered to have the potential to be developed as a animal park tourist attraction. To reach the island, it is necessary to use a boat that if from Habaring Hurung Sampit Pier takes approximately 2 hours. Although it seems far away, this actually provides an opportunity for visitors to enjoy the river crossing and the scenery around it.

Selain memasang kamera trap, Tim Kehati juga telah turun langsung untuk melakukan survei keberagamian biosata di tersebut potensi flora yang ditemukan di Pulau Hanibung antara lain, papuri, jambu burung, ubar, ubar putih, gentalang atau manggis hutan, pempaning, ficus, jambu, pelabu, pelagun, gegaras, banitan, cenggas, jangkit, gelang, gelam, gelam rat, halabahu, tababulus, tababuluh, pelawan, keraka, seraka, kawari, bengkiri dan ulin. Kemudian potensi fauna mulai dari satu orang urutan, bawang, bekantan, lutung hitam, mukalan panjang. Aneh burung yang seperti bantok, eagle brontok, eagle brontok, kengkareng katong bulu, bukak bulu, burak, bubut, pempulu, kacer, cucak ijo, murai atau lihat, tiung mas dan punai. Lalu, berbagai manang mas, tiang-parang, lais bawang, bawang, babaga, baga-baga, papunta, patin, rakya or belia, lebih dagang, kedok, papuyu or betok, kaluang, kaliang, kali or gurame, gampang, keringa, mangki, masu, sidat dan tapah.

In addition, there are also various types of reptiles such as estuarine crocodiles, biawak, pythons, cobra kings, labi-labi, biuku and welang snakes. By making the location a tourist attraction for animal parks, it is hoped that it can help preserve the presence of flora and fauna. On the other hand, to open new economic opportunities for the local community. For example, by opening a transportation business using a boat to Hanibung Island, establishing lodging, food stalls and so on.

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