JAKARTA - Head of the DKI Jakarta KPU Data and Information Division, Fahmi Ziryptah, denied the findings of the DKI Jakarta Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) regarding the process of matching and research (coklit) voters in the 2024 Pilkada.

In this case, Bawaslu found that there were voter data updating officers (pantarih) in Jakarta who used jockey services while carrying out the task of cutting to voters' homes.

"Regarding Bawaslu's findings, which stated that there was a Pantarlih who allegedly transferred his duties to other people, it could be conveyed that this was not true," Fahmi said in a short message, Friday, July 19.

Fahmi clarified that two students who were said to be using jockey services by Bawaslu continued to carry out their duties. However, the phantarlih was accompanied by his family when doing the bulk.

"One plenary trip to Kebayoran Lama as stated in the Bawaslu Letter based on our search and clarification that Pantarlih was accompanied by his mother who was also the head of the RT. Likewise what happened in Tanjung Priok District," explained Fahmi.

In addition, Fahmi also denied Bawaslu's findings regarding the number of families who had not been bulked but had stickers attached to their homes. Based on the results of an internal search by the DKI KPU, Fahmi emphasized that this was not true.

"Because at the time of the sampling carried out by the Election Supervisory, the family members who were met were different from those done by coklit by pantarih, so there was a misunderstanding," said Fahmi.

Then, regarding the Head of the Family (KK) who had been hacked but not affixed with a sticker, based on the results of the KPU search, Fahmi explained that this happened because the owner of the house was not willing to be fitted with a sticker, but the sticker was still given by pandarih to the owner of the house as evidence that a coklit had been carried out, and the voter had received a sign of evidence of a bulk given by pantarih.

The DKI Jakarta KPU previously inaugurated 29,315 take-aways on Monday, June 26 simultaneously in 267 urban villages. The plenary is spread over 14,775 polling stations throughout DKI Jakarta.

From June 26 to July 24, 2024, panteranglih was deployed to the field for matching and research (coklit) data of 8,315,669 voters in the DKI Jakarta Pilkada.

They are assigned to go directly to voters from home to validate by checking their electronic ID cards, ensuring that all Jakarta residents who have met the requirements are in the voter list, and cross out those who do not meet the requirements for the upcoming elections.

Dalam proses coklit, Bawaslu DKI Jakarta mendapat sejumlah temuan. Salah satu temuannya adalah terdapat panterlih yang menggunakan jasa jockey untuk melaksanakan tugasnya.

In addition, the DKI Bawaslu also found that there were residents who were not yet 17 years old and were not married, but were included in the voter list. The person concerned should not have received his voting rights in the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada.

Then, it was also found that residents' houses had not been hacked but had their stickers attached as markers as voters. There are also residents who have been hacked but not affixed with stickers. Another finding, Bawaslu noted that there were parties who did not have or show SK while on duty.

"For the wrong coklit procedure, today the DKI Bawaslu has written a letter regarding suggestions for improvement to the DKI KPU. If it is not heeded, then we will make it a finding," explained Benny.

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