The public prosecutor of the Simeulue District Attorney (Kejari) executed a caning sentence for two convicts of Islamic law violations in the island district in Aceh province.

The caning was carried out in public, centered in the courtyard of the Tgk Khalilullah Mosque, Air Cold Village, East Simeulue District, Simeulue Regency, Thursday, July 18.

The two convicts who were sentenced to caning were Roli Suroso and Marlita. Both were sentenced to caning based on the decision of the Sinabang Syariyah Court, with 100 lashes each.

The convicts were found guilty of adultery in violation of Article 37 Paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 33 Paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 1 Number 26 Qanun Aceh Number 6 of 2014 concerning the law of jinayat.

The head of the Simeulue District Attorney's Office, Yuriswandi, said that the caning of the two convicts was the implementation of the decision of the Sinabang Sharia Court which had permanent legal force.

"The two convicts were each sentenced to 100 lashes in front of the public based on the decision of the Sinabang Sharia Court," he said.

Meanwhile, Assistant General Administration of the Regional Secretariat of Simeulue Regency, Syafrinudin, hopes that the caning in public can be an example for others not to violate Islamic law.

"The execution of this whip has a deterrent effect for the perpetrators and society, so that acts contrary to Islamic law are not imitated by others," said Syafrinudin.

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