The panel of judges at the Denpasar Bali District Court sentenced the defendant Diki Candra (27) to four years in prison in connection with the attempted murder of his roommate Nikolas Lelan.

"The trial, sentenced the defendant to four years in prison, reduced while the defendant was in detention," said the Panel of Judges chaired by I Wayan Yasa during a verdict hearing at the Denpasar District Court, reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, July 16.

The judge assessed that the defendant Diki Candra had been legally and convincingly proven guilty of committing a criminal act of attempted murder as regulated and threatened with crime in Article 338 Juncto Article 53 Paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code (KUHP).

In the judge's consideration, the aggravating thing was the defendant's act, which caused deep trauma to the victim.

Meanwhile, mitigating things are that the defendant has never been convicted before, has been polite during the trial, admits all his actions and the victim has forgiven him.

The verdict of the panel of judges is one year lower than the demands of the Public Prosecutor (JPU) of the Denpasar District Attorney who demanded that the defendant be imprisoned for five years.

Regarding the decision of the panel of judges, both the prosecutor and the defendant's legal advisor stated that they accepted the decision.

Previously, the prosecutor's indictment revealed that the recovery attempt carried out by Diki was carried out at the Tirta Jaya Drinking Water Depot, Jalan Subur, Kelod Excavation Village, West Denpasar.

The prosecutor outlined that the defendant and Nikolas Lelan were two rooms.

During his stay together, the defendant often felt annoyed, because the victim was said to have never wanted to spend money to buy side dishes.

The victim only wanted to spend money just to buy rice. During that time, the defendant Diki continued to cook rice or buy side dishes, because the victim never wanted to join. The defendant admitted that after eating, the defendant washed the dishes, while the victim did not help him clean up.

As a result of the ongoing anger, the defendant Diki had the intention to kill the victim.

Until Thursday, March 28, 2024, at around 04.15 WITA, the defendant began to launch his action while the victim was sleeping in a supine position.

The defendant also attempted murder using scissors. The victim, who had been stabbed with scissors, screamed until he was heard by neighbors.

After the incident, the defendant Diki had asked the witness for help to be taken to the nearest Police Station to account for his actions, but the witness refused.

Shortly after the attempted murder incident, the man born in Kambu, Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi was arrested by West Denpasar Police.

As a result of the defendant's actions, the victim suffered a stab wound as deep as 1.5 cm on the left chest and had to receive intensive care at the hospital.

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