BANDA ACEH - As many as 56 residents of Sahraja Village, East Aceh were poisoned after eating grilled meatballs.

"All poisoned residents receive medical assistance and are hospitalized both at the Simpang Ulim Health Center and at the Zubir Mahmud Hospital in Idi," said East Aceh Zubir Mahmud Hospital (RSZM) Director Edy Gunawan as quoted by Antara, Friday, March 19.

Edy Gunawan said the 56 residents who were suspected of having been poisoned consisted of dozens of children, adolescents and adults. When referred to RSZM, they were in critical condition.

Now, the poisoned residents' condition has begun to stabilize. The poisoning occurred on the evening of Thursday, March 18th.

"Even though it is stable, they still have to be hospitalized because the patient is still weak. Previously, they had nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, diarrhea and dizziness, "said Edy Gunawan.

Meanwhile, the East Aceh District Health Office sent samples of meatball food suspected to be the source of poisoning by 56 residents to the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) in Banda Aceh.

"The samples are sent to confirm whether the meatballs that are eaten contain dangerous ingredients or not," said the Head of Disease Prevention and Control Division of the East Aceh Health Service, Sondang Bandayani.

Sondang Bandayani could not confirm when the test results were issued. If later the results of the laboratory inspection of the sample have come out, it will be informed.

Meanwhile, the East Aceh Police secured a roasted meatball seller after 56 residents of Sahraja Village, Pante Bidari District, were poisoned after eating the meatballs he sold.

"The trader has the initials RH (48), a resident of North Aceh Regency. RH has been secured at the East Aceh Police for questioning," said Executive Daily (Plh) Head of Public Relations of the East Aceh Police, Iptu Dohar.

Iptu Dohar said that from the results of the interim examination, RH admitted that on Thursday, March 18, at around 09.00 WIB RH left his house on a motorbike with a meatball cart for selling.

RH sells grilled meatballs at the Market on Thursday or on Sundays in Sah Raja Village until 11.00 WIB. However, his merchandise did not run out, so RH sold it by going around the village until 15.00 WIB.

After the roasted meatball was sold and the merchandise was low, RH intends to go home. However, some residents who met him said that someone was poisoned.

"RH was secured at the house of the local hamlet head, then handed over to the police. Together with the perpetrators, 29 sticks of meatball sauce, soy sauce, concoction of seasoning, and a motorbike were also secured," said Iptu Dohar.

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