JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo reminded governors to be careful in making policies to deal with the coronavirus or COVID-19 pandemic in their region. According to Jokowi, local governments need to pay attention to social and economic impacts, in addition to issues of people's health and safety.

"I ask that all the policies in the province be calculated based on the health and safety of our people as well as the socio-economic impact that follows them," Jokowi said in his briefing on governors dealing with COVID-19, Tuesday, March 24.

The former governor of DKI Jakarta gave an example, when a province wants to close schools, offices, and places for economic transactions such as markets or shopping centers, the provincial government must take everything into account.

"Count how many people are not working, count how many hawkers, rickshaws, drivers who do not work. Support for these sectors must be given. Social assistance to them must be provided. Do not just close but not be accompanied by a social safety net to support the policy. made, "he said.

Jokowi added that local governments must focus on three things in their region in handling COVID-19, namely public health safety, social assistance, and taking into account the economic impact which is also useful for providing future food needs.

Jokowi emphasized that the lockdown or regional quarantine policy would not be suitable for Indonesia, especially since each country has differences in character, culture and discipline with other countries. So, based on the results of the research and analysis carried out, what is right for Indonesia is the application of physical distancing.

"The most appropriate in our country is physical distancing. Maintaining a safe distance. If we can do that, I am sure we can prevent the spread of COVID-19," he said.

The implementation of this physical distancing question, said Jokowi, must be followed by strong discipline and assertiveness.

"Don't be isolated, I read a piece of news, have been isolated to help neighbors who want a celebration. Some are isolated are still shopping in the market. Discipline to isolate is important," he said.

"If this can be done, I believe the scenario we choose can produce good results," Jokowi concluded.

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