The Kubu Raya Police in West Kalimantan (West Kalimantan) secured an active pineapple grenade found by residents in the Parit Sembin warehousing area. "The pineapple type hand grenade was immediately evacuated by the West Kalimantan Police Jibom and immediately taken to the West Kalimantan Police shooting ground to be destroyed by detonating it according to the procedure so that there were no casualties," said the Head of Subsidy for Public Relations of the Sihumas Polres Kubu Raya Aiptu Ade in Sungai Ambawang, West Kalimantan, Tuesday, July 16, confiscated by Antara.

Ade explained, after hearing the report, Sungai Raya Police personnel immediately arrived at the location to secure the area and summon the Jibom Brimob team of the West Kalimantan Police. "The team led by the Wadanden Brimob Polda West Kalimantan AKP Agus Suparpto together with the Head of Sub-Department 2 Jibom Brimob Polda West Kalimantan moved quickly to evacuate the grenade," he said. The beginning of the grenade was found by a resident between the Wadand Brimob warehousing gap A9 and A10 Parit Sembin, Parit Baru Village, Sungai Raya District, Kubu Raya. The police who received the report immediately secured the location and evacuated them so as not to harm residents. Ade appealed to residents to be careful if they found similar things to immediately report them to the police and not occasionally touch the goods so as not to cause casualties. "We also from the Kubu Raya Police appealed to residents who found similar items or other items that could cause explosions, to immediately contact the police," he said.

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