JAKARTA - Former Director of Education and Community Services (Dikyanmas) of the KPK, Giri Suprapdiono, who was eliminated through a national insight test (TWK) registered as a candidate for the head of the anti-corruption commission. He claims that he will try to restore public trust through restructuring the institution.

"What I will do is restore public trust in the KPK. Returning the leadership and integrity of employees to its highest point through institutional restructuring and human resources," Giri said in a written statement to reporters, Tuesday, July 16.

Selain itu, Giri juga mengaku akan melakukan sejumlah hal jika terpilih. Di antaranya melakukan komunikasi dengan pemerintah mendatang demi memperkuat politik hukum anti-corrupsi dan membangun program politik rasional dan berpertimbangkuan.

Later, Giri will also improve the prevention system. The way, he will start by resolving the causes of the worsening of the corruption perception index (CPI) to a public trust survey on the KPK.

Furthermore, he said that the KPK Supervisory Board would also be strengthened through regulations. "In order to uphold the principle of zero tolerance, maintain the integrity of the KPK, and maintain human rights," he said.

The organizational culture within the anti-corruption commission will be of concern to Giri. He admitted that he would try to replace the ancient pattern of state civil servants (ASN) to make it more modern.

"Conducting a new approach in eradicating corruption, namely building an anti-corruption cultural path that is deep, rooted, has artistic value, respects wisdom, and is full of acidity," explained Giri.

Giri is confident that he can lead the KPK for the period 2024-2029. According to him, this institution needs leaders who have experience eradicating rasuah.

He believes that TWK victims like himself can together restore the good name of the KPK. "We maintain the good name and public trust," he said.

"Keeping public hope remains, refusing to be dashed," continued Giri.

Diberitakan sebelumnya, pendaftaran capim dan calon dewas KPK dibuka selama 20 hari sejak 26 Juni hingga 15 Juli 2024. Pendaftar harus lebih dulu membuat akun di laman https://apel.setneg.go.id.

As for the latest data or on Monday, July 15 at 23.59 WIB, there were 525 registrants of Capim and Dewas, most of whom were men. The Pansel said 318 of them registered as candidates for leadership.

In detail there are 298 male and female registrants. Meanwhile, for the KPK Supervisory Board, there were 207 registered people consisting of 184 men and 23 women.

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