The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police has not yet taken over the murder cases of Vina and Eky in Cirebon, West Java, which occurred in 2016.

The Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police, Komjen Pol Wahyu Widada, said that Bareskrim is currently still providing assistance to the West Java (West Java) Regional Police.

"What is certain is that we provide assistance to the West Java Regional Police. After being withdrawn or not, we will see the progress, now it is still in the evaluation process," he told reporters at the National Police Headquarters Rupatama, Monday, July 15.

Not only Bareskrim, Propam Polri and Itwasum Polri will also evaluate this case.

"This is all in the process. We are also not working alone, with friends from Propam and Irwasum will work together to see this all. Later the results are in process," he said.

This case began after the police conducted an investigation into the murder on Saturday, August 27, 2016. Before it was stated that this case was a murder, initially the police suspected that the two lovebirds had died in a traffic accident, but a few days later, the police managed to uncover the perpetrators of the murders and arrested the perpetrators.

The perpetrators were tried at the Cirebon District Court in May 2017. The public prosecutor demanded the death penalty for the perpetrators, but the Cirebon District Court judges sentenced the perpetrators to life imprisonment.

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