JAKARTA - The Indonesian Survey Panel (PSI) released the results of a survey related to the electability of the Pemalang regent candidate five months before the implementation of the 2024 Pemalang Pilkada. As a result, Mansur Hidayat as the incumbent was the most chosen with the acquisition of 32.6 respondents' votes.

PSI executive director Bagas Mahendra explained, the survey results of Pemalang regent candidates with open questions or on the spot about who will be selected as Pemalang Regent if the election is held at this time. As a result, Mansur Hidayat won with 32.6 percent, followed by Anom Widiyantoro with 19.2 percent, and Agus Sukoco with 11.7 percent.

Furthermore, there are Iskandar Ali Syahbana 5.6 percent, Eka Prasetya Wardoyo 4.3 percent, Nur Hidayat 2.1 percent, Heri Setiawan 1.8 percent, Istadi 1.6 percent, Dwi Hartono 1.1 percent, Nurkholis 1.1 percent, Eka Widodo 0.9 percent, Edi Susilo 0.6 percent, and 17.4 percent who did not provide answers.

"From the results of the PSI survey, the incumbent candidate Mansur Hidayat still ranks at the top. In the simulation of 5 candidates, Mansur Hidayat's electability is at 47.3 percent," Bagas told reporters, Monday, July 15.

When respondents were offered the names of five candidates for the Pemalang regent, continued Bagas, Mansur Hidayat's voice was the most significant with 47.3 percent. Meanwhile, Iskandar Ali Syahbana 13.6 percent, Anom Widiyantoro 11.9 percent, Eka Prasetya Wardoyo 10.1 percent and Agus Sukoco 4.7 percent, did not answer 12.4 percent.

In addition, said Bagas, PSI also simulated 3 names of candidates for Pemalang regent. As a result, Mansur Hidayat was chosen as 52.7 percent, then Anom Widiyantoro 20.4 percent and Agus Sukoco 17.6 percent and did not choose 9.3 percent.

"When simulated by two names, it does not show such different results for incumbents, who chose Mansur Hidayat 59.3 percent while Anom Widiyantoro 29.4 percent, and 11.3 percent did not answer or have not made their choice," he said.

According to Bagas, the high electability of the incumbent Pemalang regent was caused by the level of public satisfaction with the performance of Pemalang Regent Mansur Hidayat even though he only served for 3.2 years.

"There is a correlation between public satisfaction and electability, overall, the community is satisfied with incumbent performance. High level of satisfaction is mainly seen in the health sector with approval of more than 89.7 percent, satisfactory infrastructure of 87.8 percent, education of 87.3 percent, and agriculture of 81.8 percent," Bagas explained.

In addition, continued Bagas, Mansur Hidayat has an acceptability rate of 88.9 percent. Then, Anom Widiyantoro 56.2 percent, Eka Prasetya Wardoyo 51.3 percent, and Iskandar Ali Syahbana 48.7 percent.

"Then, Agus Sukoco is 44.6 percent and the names of other regent candidates are below 40 percent of the acceptability rate," he added.

The PSI survey also measures the political preferences of Generation (Gen) Z and Millennials in Pemalang Regency ahead of the 2024 Pemalang Pilkada. Bagas said respondents were asked to assess the political promises made by the regent and deputy regent during the campaign.

"The results vary, with 34.4 percent feeling the promise is appropriate, 41.3 percent is quite appropriate, 3.1 percent is very appropriate, 14.8 percent is not appropriate, and 1.6 percent is very inappropriate, while 4.8 percent does not have a clear opinion," he said.

The PSI survey was conducted on July 1-10, 2024, targeting novice voters or Gen Z and Millennials between ages 17 and 40. For information, the number of young voters in Pemalang in the 2024 election is 60 percent of the total voters.

The survey was conducted by interviewing 1,280 respondents face-to-face with 17-40-year-old Gen Z and Millennials who were selected through the multistage random sampling method, with a margin of error of up to 2.74 percent at a 95 percent confidence level.

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