The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of East Kotawaringin Regency du Central Kalimantan (Central Kalimantan) has begun to detect the emergence of forest and land fires (karhutla) in its region amid the transition of the rainy season to the dry season. "There are several events that we have found, even starting at the end of June yesterday in the Sawit Raya area, and this is our initial indication that these events could have a broad impact, especially in swamp areas," said Head of the East Kotim BPBD, Multazam in Sampit, Central Kalimantan, Monday, July 15, confiscated by Antara. One of them, he said, on Sunday, July 14 afternoon the forest and land fires occurred at at least two points in Kotim, namely Jalan Antang Barat, Baamang District, and Jalan RSUD Samuda, Mentaya Hilir Selatan District, with an area of less than one hectare. BPBD Kotim and Damkar officers The South Mentaya Hilir Post assisted by police and local volunteers moved quickly to extinguish the forest and land fires around their respective regions. His party gathered all information regarding the potential of forest and land fires such as those from the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) regarding the monitoring of hotspots and the Peat Lahan Monitoring System (Sipalaga) belonging to the Peat and Mangrove Restoration Agency (BRGM). By utilizing the technology, Sipalaga can transmit signals about the surface height of water on peatlands that can be used as an early guide for early warning that in certain locations in Kotim there is a potential for forest and land fires... "Based on information, it is possible that swamp areas have started to burn easily, we have even sounded to the province. Hopefully in emergency conditions we can get water bombing helicopter assistance, "he said.

Based on the BMKG forecast, he said, currently Kotim is at the transition period of the rainy season to the dry season, marked by a decrease in the intensity of rainfall. Then, the dry season is predicted to occur in August, September, to October. As for the peak of the dry season, it occurred in August and based on a potential map of the ease of fire from the analysis of weather parameters, there will be a severe drought for almost a month. In connection with this forecast, the public is advised to increase awareness of the potential for building and forest and land fires. On the lai side, the Kotim Regency Government has established the Karhutla Disaster Emergency Alert Status for 90 days from July 4 to October 1, 2024. It also asks for air operation support to the Central Kalimantan Disaster and Fire Management Agency (BPB-PK) in the form of water bombing helicopters that are ready at Asan Sampit Haji Airport. The East Kotim BPBD also takes preventive steps by carrying out integrated patrols involving elements of the TNI, Polri, Manggala Agni and others, as well as making approaches to the community, in particular those who have the potential to carry out land clearing by burning. We already have a database for land clearing sectors by burning. So at that point we will meet the community and hope that the behavior of land clearing by burning can be avoided,' said Multazam.

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