KALIMANTAN - A woman with the initials S (53), a resident of Mentaya Hilir Selatan Subdistrict, Kotawaringin Timur Regency, Central Kalimantan, is suspected of trying to commit suicide by burning her body in the street in front of her house.

"We are still collecting materials and information. Currently the woman is still being treated at the Samuda Pratama Hospital. We cannot yet ask for information," said the Head of the East Kotawaringin Police AKBP Abdoel Harris represented by the Jaya Karya Police Chief AKP Agoes Tri in Sampit, Antara, Thursday, March 19. .

The incident occurred at around 08.00 WIB. It is not yet known the motive for this middle-aged woman to commit this self-defeating act.

At the time of the incident, the woman was found to be at home alone, while her child was not at home because she was leaving for work.

It happened quite fast. The woman suddenly came out of the house to the asphalt road in front of her house, carrying a jerry can of fuel oil.

He then poured fuel into his body, then took out a lighter and immediately ignited it at his body. However, when the fire burned her body, the woman screamed in pain.

The incident was first discovered by an electric meter recording officer who was in the vicinity. The officer immediately tried to help, by extinguishing the fire that burned the woman's body, assisted by residents who then arrived.

The fire had burned several parts of the woman's body, including her face. The residents then immediately rushed the woman to Samuda Primary Hospital to be given medical help.

According to information, the victims suffered serious burns, namely around 60 percent. Currently the woman is still undergoing intensive care.

It is not yet known why the woman burned herself. However, there is information that the woman has mental disorders.

"We are still gathering testimonies from witnesses. After his condition improves, we will ask for information," said Agoes Tri.

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