Acting Governor of East Kalimantan Province Akmal Malik promoted the capital city of Nusantara (IKN) in Sepaku Penajam Paser Utara to a number of ambassadors who attended the meeting of the Seychelles embassy in Jakarta.

Akmal Malik, in his statement in Samarinda on Sunday, assessed that the meeting which was initiated by the special envoy of President Seychelles for ASEAN, Ambassador Nico Barito, was very beneficial for East Kalimantan and the capital city of the archipelago (IKN).

"This is a good opportunity, we were invited by Ambassador Seychelles to meet 12 Ambassadors and leaders of UNDP in Jakarta. This is our opportunity to get along with the international community," said Akmal Malik, quoted by Antara.

Akmal explained that at Saturday night's meeting, around 12 Ambassadors (Ambassadors) were attended by friendly countries, including Bosnia, Romania, Hungary, Poland, Austria, England, India, and Argentina.

In addition, there were also leaders of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), a multilateral organization of the United Nations in the field of development programs.

Akmal revealed that many things were discussed with the Ambassadors of friendly countries. Including the question of how East Kalimantan supports IKN.

According to Akmal, the Ambassadors asked many of East Kalimantan's positions on IKN, developments in the development of Indonesia's new capital city in Sepaku, social, economic impacts, and various other things.

"For me, this is our opportunity to help the President to introduce East Kalimantan and IKN," he said.

Even though this is only an informal forum, from here we can share information. For example with UNDP. They asked, what UNDP can do to help East Kalimantan as an IKN buffer," said Akmal.

In terms of potential economic cooperation also developed in the event packaged in eating together and singing. One of them is from India which states that it is very interested and has an interest in East Kalimantan.

The Indian side promised to invite investors back to East Kalimantan to support the downstream program for the development of seaweed products.

"This is an extraordinary opportunity, local diplomacy that we can do to introduce East Kalimantan and IKN. Therefore, this good relationship must be maintained," said Akmal.

Meanwhile, President Seychelles' special envoy to ASEAN, Ambassador Nico Barito, said that apart from establishing intimacy, this meeting was to introduce East Kalimantan and IKN.

"I helped introduce East Kalimantan and IKN to them. The Ambassadors are very enthusiastic about this," said Nico Barito.

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